Monday 19 January 2009

Virtual hugs are the best hugs

Okey I'm gonna start by saying I'm sorry (again) for what I'm gonan write later. Right now my life life, pretty much. XD
I got a letter from UCAS today with all my choices and a "Applicant Welcome Guide" booklet. I do hope I get answers from the schools soon.

But then again, what will I do when they answer?! One side, if don't get accepted anywhere. I'd get disappointed because I was really looking forward to study the subject and in UK (at least when I allowed myself looking froward to it). The other side, if I get accepted. How do I do it economicwise? I thought of it before I applied too of course I would take a student loan and hopefully a part-time job when I'm studying. Then I'll ahev these horror thought that I don't get a job and have debts up my ear! What if I only get accepted on my last choice, will I spend all that money studying in Scotland Aberdeen for 4 years? I DON'T KNOW!
You gotta praise the anxiety, right.....

So I saw the Jonas Brothers Live chat at yesterday evening, well parts of it. Not to reinforce your image of my "low life no life" XD, but I came on the chat 12 hours before the actual chat, which was 11 AM (Swedish time). If you do quick math there you should know it started 11 in the evening here in Sweden. I had school the next day like early 8.10, but I wasn't about to miss out on a livechat again, höhöhö, I just hoped they would keep it short.

As the clock drew closer and closer 11 o'clock, the online fans went crazier and crazier. In the end I think there were 20 something rooms, with (rumoured) 500 in each. When I logged in I was in room 1 and thought that might be the room where they read the fans questions. During those 12 hours of waiting there were tons of rumours of in which room the boys will read questions, merging of rooms and all crazy stuff. I somehow got bumped out (to like room 9) and when it was time for chat, everyone got crazy and the boys were not even on. My computer kept freezing and everything was slow motion. It went past one minute, everyone was like "OMG, they are late",10 minutes past and we got a message from that there were so many on the chat the boys couldn't even go on. HAHA, the Jonas fans crashes yet another site! (btw, they still have technical difficulties until right this moment. OH the power of the fans XD)It was around 11.20 when I was about to give up and go to bed when they finally came on.

It was quite cool actually but everyone in my chatroom started to spam questions and there no way they could even read it, I couldn't. I'd say I watched 1 3rd (1/3 del) of the chat, which inlcuded for example the beginning, Nick smiling with his teeth, Frankie coming on asking us questions about the periodic system (btw the atomic mass of Carbon is 12 ;), us getting virtual hugs from Frankie and Joe, Honor society came on too and that was when everything froze again even the voices. And I basically couldn't take it anymore and went to bed. Chchchch. XD

I've watched the whole thing on youtube today at;, it's bothering me though the videos in not in chonological order. My fave was when their band and Big Robs comes in and BY THE WAY Greg stopped bloging. I'm not banned! Haha! XD

Wait, is this my 160th time of "Infatuation" in two days. Yeah it is. SICK SONG! XD


Anonymous said...

Amen knäppis! haha jag menar den från FÖRRA ÅRET!!! hahahah!! Snacka om att jag måste göra den SOON. Den andra har jag inte ens hunnit tänka på .. !

Caroline said...

När får du reda på om du kommit in?

Tiffany said...

re Carro: Snart tror ja, de börjar ju med intervjuer nu i feb. så snart...:P