Wednesday 14 January 2009

Sry mateys, Jonas a bit more

Haya, big announcement. I have finally applied to university in the UK and it's all done! Now I just have to...wait. XD (Finally I can sleep at night, höhö) Now I really have to focus in school, especially in French. It's kinda umbelieveable how bad my French have become. Aarrgh I really hate it, but I have to do my best.

I hope to blog something serious soon, but I just feel like I've got so much going on and I can't really sttle down to write something. I always come up with things to write though. :( So for a little while longer I'll give you some Jonas updates.

Their disneychannel show JONAS is coming together and more and more detalis are released. Some of those are; their real parents won't starr in the show as their parents that will: Rebecca Creskoff and John Ducey. However Frankie and Big rob will starr as themselves in it. :) Chelsea's Staub's character have now changed and become the brothers fashionista friend.
I've also read some plots for a few episodes; destroying the family's movie collection, crushing on classmates and meeting the queen of England.
I can't help feeling that this show will be very much like Hannah Montana, and I hope and think they won't keep doing this show for long. (come on they're busy most of the time!) But I'm looking forward to the premiere very much since it's going to include the boys singing in a context other than than performances and covers, and most of all it's a much of a comedy show and from the small preview on Disneychannel it seems as Kevin had taken on the part (again) to be the "funny-silly" guy. :D

Otherwise I'm waiting for some japanese girl to upload the real verision of "Infatuation" and so that we once and for all learn if it really is Joe singing in Japanese or someone else. I was at the japanese JB official site this sunday and I tried to read what it said about the new song. I came to something like this: the jonas brothers have sung a song in japanese as a gift for the japanese fans. And then there were a lot of kanjis and there was something about I'm Chu(heart). If you know japanese please take a look at:
Pls read those first words and the sentences in the box, and tell me so me and my viewers on Youtube can settle this discussion once and for all. XD
Otherwise a nice jonas dose of the day; Killing time - Jonas style ;)

Yeah right, Joe glued that together again. XD


Caroline said...

Så du har applied? Vad skönt! :D

Kajsa said...

Älskade videon! "No clocks were harmed during the making of this video"... "It took him 4 days" HAHAHA!

Tiffany said...

re Carro: Japp, gjorde det i måndes :) VErkligen lättad nu :P

re Kajsa: HAha, ja precis. Det var ju de som va roligt XD

Elin said...

sry :p kunde inte läsa det xD Men skönt att du har sökt nu :)

(och ska sova nu så får se videon en annan gång)

Anonymous said...

No, one of our friends killed the time. But good that he fixed it.
HAHA! Annars, vilken rolig video. Vi har roliga kompisar.

Tiffany said...

re ELin: Du mena den japanska sidan? XD Nej men jag är säker nu att det är dem som sjunger. :) Tack ändå.

re KP: Haha, yes he did ;). Våra kompisar är riktigt roliga! WIIIEEEE :D XD

Anonymous said...

Svar: neeeej den var riktigt kass :( Den var verkligen dålig, enformig och jobbig. Det var bra på det sättet att den visade en fransk verklighet och hur många ungdomar i frankrike har det. Jag berättar mer imorgon men det var så dålig att jag inte ens orkar tänka på den mer! haha! :)

God natt!!