Thursday 8 January 2009

Je suis nulle à francais

Oui, je suis nulle!!!! Pourqoui c'est toujours comme ca? Je ne peux pas parler, c'est impossible! Quand je veux dire quelque chose mon cerveau arrête. Il n'ya pas les mot dedans, c'est totalement blanc. Ca me fais fachée, il faut arrête.

Hi guys, sorry for not blogging for long and coming back as a mad french person. I'm jsut so frustrated at my french and that I'm most likely to fail that subject this term. Sigh, help!
The end of my winter break was a stressful one, well have myself to blame don't I? As I said I'm for real applying to university in the UK and as for you who don't know, it is NOT a easy process. And btw the last application date is 15 Januray, mhm, imagen the stress of mine!

So first you register at UCAS (does all the enrollments for municipal schools), then you have like 5 pages of questions to answer.
You only have 5 options, 5 schools to apply to. And it costs to (only) apply, yes it does. So even if I don't get in anywhere I'll still have to pay £17. Then you must write a personal statement of why you want to study the chosen programes and blalbalbla. This is what I have been doing the past 4 days, sitting day in and day out trying to come up with a good statement. It all ended with being too long and imprecisely and yesterday I saw and tried to improve and delete things STILL at the end of the day I had a too long and imprecise statement. A friend of mine whose currently studying in London has to help you know why? Because our student adviser (syo konsulent) is &%%¤¤"!!"#¤%, I asked her and tried to make an appointment but all she did was pushing the work to someone else and told me she was free at a time I said I wasn't. Thank you so much.
Then you must have a reference too, geessh, from a teacher or whoever. This made me utterly frustrated and panic, where the hell am I suppossed to get a reference in a 2 weeks notice? P A N I C. I emailed a couple of my teachers and I was beyond happy to hear today that one of them was willing to do it. :)
Then I must translate my grades, don't I? How do I do that? How should it look like? What should I include? The student adviser sure didn't help me out there, she advised me to a webpage that was to no help at all. GGOOSSH she makes me soooo....!! Aaanyywwaaaayyy XD

So now I have to adjust the last of my personal statement and figure out how to translate my grades, which I btw have turned to studentadviser in ANOTHER school, I emailed a student adviser in Malmö borgarskolan. Wouldn't out adviser be delighted to hear that?! :)

That is much what I ahve been up to lately, and playing Sims2. Chchchc, I always make fun of that because it's so sissy, but my sister plays it like all the time and she'd made me play again, it's so much fun. MUAHHAHA XD. I'll change layout soon and keep checking my youtube, new videos is on the move. :P Cheerio!

It has been freakishly cold here lately. Even some snow here and there. Here's a matching pic. of whimsical people out in the cold Luleå. XD


Caroline said...

Shit, kostar det bara att söka? :O :O
Haha, palla er syo ...!
Men hoppas det fixar sig med betygen och det :)

Tiffany said...

Jupp, genom UCAS iaf. Jag har inte haft bra erfarenheter med Syosar, men hon här är verkligen inge rolig. :(
Tack så mycket! I need it! XD

Kajsa said...

Har du tänkt att söka in på samma villkor som de brittsika studnterna, eller hade du tänkt gå genom en svensk utlandsstudier grej? Jag menar, ifall du ska söka in på samma villkor kostar det inte supermycket då? (Med tanke på att du sa att det kostar bara att ansöka) Skulle dina föräldrar betala så höga termins avgifter och dyl. åt dig?

Tiffany said...

Jag ansöker på samma villkor som britterna. Årsavgift för vanlig kommunal brittisk skola blir på 30 000 ung. Och det vet dem om XD Jag kommer att låna av csn ett tag så...

Anonymous said...

Min terminsavgift skulle också kosta 30 000, men eftersom jag bokade via språkförmedlare så kostade det ca 10 000. Hela mitt kalas med boende skola kostar 30 000.

Snygg bild annrs på det vackra fötterna. HAHA! Luleå bilder SÅ INTRESANT! *host, host*

Tiffany said...

re Kattis: Och du skulle bah gå en termin? Vilka spårkmedlare var det?

Höhö, tyckte jag med! XD KP! Jag ska skicka emn så fort jag blir klar med det här Brittland saken, jag får ångest annars! XD

Anonymous said...

Tack för Lule bilderna.
Avista boka jag med.