Tuesday 22 January 2008

Something wicked this way comes

Yup, I found a few new pictures yesterday, thought be ncie to post them here. XD I'm kinda updated on what's going on with this movie so, check back for new stuff ;)
I was looking around and guess who's in the movie? XD Predrag Bjelac, Igor Karkaroff in the fourth Harry Potter moive. XD Hoohoho

Dates to remember(!!): 16th May (release date in the US), 2th July (release date in Sweden)

Today has been an average lazy day. I woke up and really wanted to use this day til it's end. I wanted to finish my music-project, return some cds I borrowed, play the guitar, read manga maybe meet some friends, study for my english test. I actually did all that. XD Some parts more than other.. Okej, my music project is not finished but I think I got the most facts I need now so half half way, my dad returned my cds XD, played loads of guitar, read one chapter manga (Detective Conan ;)) and I called over two friends. :D Studied a bit on the test. SO I guess I'm content with the day.

OH, I also got a text from a friend of mine (apparently) watching Ellen DeGeneres Show and said that the Jonas Brothers were going to be on the show today. I got absolutely excited, I had to tape it! XD Then I sat there waiting.....and she called in Halle Barry and she called in Greg Grunberg. I thought.....whhhaaattt a rip off. XD But I still continued to watch and after this last commercial break: Teenage super band Jonas Brothers! WWUUUAAAH :D
It was their first appearance on the show, which I've seen and STILL I get annoyed with the girl in the pink t-shirt. You get on the show, you get to sit by them, you egt to ask WHATEVER between heaven and earth and she asks the most STUPID question. She has them all there all the brothers and she asks Nick and not just that, a simply really stupid question. XD
Anyway it seems like I, Tiffany, had today made the fan base of Jonas Brothers a little bigger.

By the way, I learned "A little bit Longer" on the guitar today. YEAY ME!

NO ONE carries a bag like Skandar ! ;)


Anonymous said...

Why is Sweden always two months later than everyone else? >.<

Hey, it seems like you had a very efficient day yesterday! Not like me... Just writing all day :P

Tiffany said...


Yupp, and I feel VERY pleased :D But writing is good too, right XD

Anonymous said...

i have to see the movie in HK :)

Tiffany said...

Re Carro: What movie? XD

Anonymous said...

narnia ofc :P