Sunday 13 January 2008

A Kid from the future

Yesterday I bought a NEWSPAPER. Can you get it? XD No just kidding, it's just something I normally don't do. Then you may ask why the heck she did, okej then the answer comes wiht this picture: (badly scanned by me...-_-)

Personally I think it's really, yea what DO I think? I think it's an insult!!! Clearly it's some cheeky 13 year old, who don't even know how to write whole sentences. -_- And the biggest insult: (It says in the text below the picture) that, oh this person have discovered this band blalblbalaba, Have you?!
DAMN, that was a hard punch in the stomach, way deep in the guts!

Okej enough complaining (maybe not). Yesterday I went and saw National Treasure 2 with my sister and friend. The movie was surprisingly messy, it was tough following it , s understanding. XD. It was like, the writers had just brainstormed historical places or relics and just put it into the movie like a big cauldron of soup. (Pls, dont mind my similies XD) Some clues were like: oh come on that's just so farfetched.
But it's a OK movie, with more comedy and action in it. Though a disappointment for the fans of the first movie.
The Narnia trailer before the movie, made the whole experience SOOO much more worth it. All three of us burst out in laughter, Who are you? I'm prince Gaspian!, not sure if the people in the saloon got why 3 girls thoguht that was so hilarious. Right, Elin?! XD

Here's picture of the saloon (??) before the movie, really stuffed with people for not being the premiere day.

By the way, I found Greg Garbowski's BLOG! WIIIEE, finally XD


Anonymous said...

I read that about JB too! I thought it was funny :P

I actually liked the movie, sure it was kinda messy but so was the first movie too ;)

Anonymous said...

i liked the movie, but maybe the first movie was a little bit better.

okay so do u have a better picture of the JB thing? I want to read :)

Tiffany said...

Re Elin: The first one was FAR not as messy as this one. XD I didn't say I didn't like it, just nmot as much as the first one XD

Re Carro: Yes I have, I'll send it to ya ;)