Friday 1 August 2008

London Calling

LONDON IS CALLING (!) my name. If you haven't read or been living under a rock for the few past weeks (KIDDING!) I am going to London tomorrow with a friend on a 6 days shopping hysteria. It is going to A W E S O M E. Probably I won't be able to get access to a cpmuter or something like that, so see yah 8th Aug. ;)

I'm really sorry to tell you this, but I've unfortunately lost my sunglasses! :'( I liked them so much! So in London I'll go a hunt for a new pair, I'd love have a pair turquoise. (The ones Kevin has ;))

Rest In Peace


Caroline said...

Var tappade du dem?! o.O
Ha det så kul i London ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh, it's so saaad!! Så sorgligt!

Anonymous said...

oh älskade London!
Jag fick längtan till Brittland idag. Hitta gamla Bournemouth pappaer.

Ha du får tänka på mig där borta! Och få inte för många flashbacks! HAHA!

Elin said...

Ok, reading about you watching The Dark Knight was funny xD I have seen the Batman movie with Jack Nicholson as Joker, and I must agree with you that he's really something else. Really twisted... and I always fall in love with the twisted characters xD

Where did you drop your sunglasses? O.o Hope you find the turquoise ones, you JB-maniac! (and that's a compliment!)

Tiffany said...

re carro: När jag skulle te stranden typ några veckor sen :'(

re Kattis: Brittland äger! :D Det är ju du som får massa flashbacks inte jag XD

re Elin: Yeah Heath was awesome. It's a really sad(funny) story about losing my sunglasses that I love as my own child. I went to the beach (by bus) in Skanör and was a bit careless adn wooops. I'd lost them. I even called the bus lost n' found service, but they hadn't got any :'(
-Silent minute to them-
I'm really glad you wished me good luck finding them, I really did my best to find the turqoúoise ones but failed. I've got another pair instead.

Anonymous said...

Ohhh, it's so sad. I happen to have to same exact pair of red sunglasses.