Haya guys, I'm back! Here you go my very first vlog in front of the London Eye (just like Jonas Brothers XD) Tell you more later..;)
I've heard that it's difficult to hear me, hahah really the vlog was just some random thing that popped into my head it's nothing serious, so the sound's bad.
So here goes a script (XD):
Haya Guys! It's me Tiffany in London England and I just wanted to say Cheerio!
2 weeks ago
LOL /Elin
Where are your glasses? /Kajsa
re elin/kajsa: LOL at you too. You know what I actually lost them in London! NO it's contacts silly! XD
haha cutie! <3
re carro: MAHAHHAHA XD! Tack XD
Ärkänn att du tänkte på att McFLY varit inne i dom där. HAHA! Och spelade in lite av deras video! HAHA!
re Kattis: MAHAHHA faktiskt inte, jag tänkte mer på att Jonas BRotehrs hade spelat SOS akustiskt inne i en av dem XD
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