Monday 25 August 2008

Why I suffer

Lu all! XD I'm still here listening to anti-Jonas Brothers songs, the strike is really tearing me. To be honest I don't know how much longer I can stand it, my sister cracked today (well she kinda followed the strike just to support me XD). Well we can see this as a test of self-control, how much I can handle this yearning before I toatlly lose it XD.
I played some JB songs on the guitar last weekend and it made me miss the real songs so much! :'( The crack is near, I tell you! day in school. I think we've had all our new lessons and new teacher by now. We had Psychology today, I was very sceptic (if your remember) but I'm happy to say that I'm really looking forward reading this subject. My first impression of the new teacher was: Awesomeness XD She's this this high professor, who have taught in UK and everything but she's also very ...youthful and energetic, you know, eager to teach. She might teach differently because she used to teach university students but when she talks, she have this charisma that make you listen and in that way you also remember most of the things she says.
She sometimes uses psychology terms you don't understand and doesn't explain them, which can be confusing. We'll just have to tell her right? XD

We started with what Psychology was in general which was good because I have no idea (lol), she started to about all these different areas, such as study about dreams, behavious and brains. In that moment I thought that this subject would be awesome, because I love the fact that all those things are kinda mysterious and maybe insane but they have scientific proves.
She told us about these hysteria "illnesses", like there was this girl who took care of her dying father and one day he had died in her arms. When they buried her father she suddenly became paralyzed in one arm and she had no idea why. Then she saw some psychologists and they found out about her father dying in her arms, then everything just vanished she had feeling in her arm again. It was all in her head, unconciously.

Yeah, basically when something dramatic or traumatic happens to you could get weird symptoms like paralysis, blindness, some sort of aches and etc. Which made me start think about my weird stomach ache I've had lately (and stil having). It started on Thursday evening (last week). The weird thing is when I wake up in the morning I think I'm all fine, it doesn't hurt but then a couple of minutes after I've gotten up it starts again. I've like tried everything "western medicine" (as my mum calls it), chinese medicine, chinese ointments, tea, coke....and so on. It's loads better now but still I feel there's soemthing bothering me in there. XD Maybe it's just some regular stomach problems (...diarrhea) but why haven't I gone to the toiletts? Or MAYBE it's because of the absence of Jonas Brothers songs which have made me unconciously miserable or something that gave me this stomach ache! XD (Maaahhaaa XD)
Well, I've never had stomach ache during 5 days before!

Me finding a way in London XD


Unknown said...

yeah, I like that excuse with the absence of JB songs... Might be =) I hope our psychology teacher is nice, but from what I've heard before.. umm.. not so nice. I heard that he laughs at students, when they say their opinion =S Well, I hope it's not gonna be that bad. I hope your stomach ache stops..

Elin said...

Psycholgy was awesome! I'm so not regretting choosing Psychology B for my 50 points. It's just a little stressy and tough on Mondays ^^;

I think i've had something like your stomach ache. I had it for three days and then Mum suggested I should start eating youghurt every day (I don't do it anymore) I ate youghurt two or three more days when my stomach still ached and then it went away. Have you tried youghurt? >.>

Caroline said...

den där påsen på bilden, hahaha! det företagets reklam går på TVB hela tiden typ xD

Tiffany said...

re Mel: Omg, he laughs at students?! That's so ...unethical! I hope you get another one!
Haha, it's so weird that it doesn't ache in school and just at home.... I tell u it's something psycholo-istic about it XD

re Elin: Ah really? I liked my idea about the JB songs so much! FUnsucker!! XD Jk, I'll try yoghurt I will :D Thansk for the advice! :D

re Carro: HAhahha, ja min mamma sa det osso. Jag bah: Va? XD

Anonymous said...

asså Tiff jag måste berätta om en dröm jag drömde efter det att vi kom hem från London. handlade om dig...