Wednesday 13 August 2008

Things less aggravating

I'm SOOOOOO MAD! The CD came out yesterday, "A little bit longer" (Jonas Brothers), and I haven't gotten it yet. I booked/bought it 3 months ago and have waited much more.
It was kinda OK waiting before, when everyone waited equally but now! I can't help getting so mad, that everyone has it, listening to it the 100th time and talking about it when I got nothing. (ELIN, shut up! XD)
But soon..SOON. The shipping will take at least 2-3 days, so if I don't get it this week someone's head is on the chopper! XD

-d e e p b r e a t h -

So let's talk about things less aggravating......... (thinking) well, let's go from aggravating to depressing.
The summer is slowly coming to an end and I'm scared that I don't have time to do all the things I planned to do, but I have to admit I've done loads of things this summer. :D

Let's take a look at the list:
-Get a Youtube account
-Get present for a friend
-Redo the walls of my room
I'll put a photo up, SOON
-Upload new video(s) to the blog
YES, I made two cover/music videos recently. I've uploaded them on my youtube but I'll upload them here too. (Next entry)

-Read at least 2 books (eventually Twilight, Harry Potter och Dödsrelikerna?)
I've finished the Agatha Christie book, started with "Världens största konspirationer"=World's biggest conspiracies, not done yet.
-Learn new songs on the guitar (All-american rejects, Hey There Delilah the whole song, Camp rock songs?)
I don't remember which song I didn't know before the summer. I know Hey there Delilah, Eternity and Kung Fu grip now. Should I've learnt more?
-Learn the "Hey the Delilah" lyrics properly
I did for know them for a while, then came the hgue JB phase and yesterday playing it I mixed up the senteces. DARN IT!
-Get a proper tan (t-shirt tan, so embarrassing..)
I tried, tried hard. It's not as disgusting anymore but still
-Look through all the school application brochures/booklets and decide my future
I've looked through them all, I've done lots of thinking. I just need to look up stuff on the net. So this one is 3/4 done. XD
-Make tutorial videos and co-op with Therese!
Tutorial? What was I thinking? Maybe in the future. Höhö, I don't think Therese ever wanted to make co-op vids with me XD
-Print out photos
Hhhmmm, something I really want to do before school...time is the question.
-Blog at least every other day
How was that again? You tell me XD
-Ride bike around whole Malmö
I wanted to, don't have time anymore. Future plans!

It maybe doesn't look like I've done much but I have and this summer was no doubt the best summer of my life yet! I'll give you a review of it later. Enjoy my videos for now. XD

Me going crazy at Zavvi (ex Virgin)


Kajsa said...

Varför planera så mycket? Jag hade typ bara att jag skulle jobba och skriva... mission accomplished. (2 böcker på HELA sommaren?! Skämtar du?!)

Elin said...

I know the feeling. Men jag har fått relativt mycket gjort ^^ Och mycket, mycket jobb :P

Och du har läst fler böcker än jag xD

(Du vet, du har redan alla JB-låtarna ändå xD Du har fler än jag)

Caroline said...

Look through all the school application brochures/booklets and decide my future.


Jag har typ halvkollat i mina. Jag orkar inte med dem. ^^,

Tiffany said...

re Kajsa: Höhö, för det var roligt. HAha, trodde du kände mig bättre än så när du skrev: (2 böcker på HELA sommaren?! Skämtar du?!).....>_>

re ELin: ELin, jag tycker bara vi itne ska prata med varandra tills jag får skivan XD

re Carro: Jo jag har, t.o.m finkammat alla jag har. Tagit bort några och har kvar några. Jag har skrivit upp hemsidor jag ska kolla upp. Jag fick lite panik typ när Kang kom in i London. XD

Caroline said...

mmm, jag har kollat några utbildningar. typ satt ett gem där så jag vet att jag ska kolla dem nogrannare.

vad är det för utbildningar du vill läsa?