Thursday 31 July 2008

A Dark Knight

I said I'd keep my mouth shut, so here's a picture instead XD
Frankie Jonas is A W E S O M E and so cute :)

I went to see "the Dark Knight" today. After my friend literally forced me XD, no just kidding. But I haven't seen the first movie and I'm not at all interessted in seeing it. Then why would I go and see the sequel ?!?!
I knew this movie would be one of the most spoken of, this whole year because of the sudden death of Heath Ledger. I mean that's the biggest PR 'trick' ever! XD Then I watched the trailer and maybe I felt sorry for Heath or something but I thought Joker was a very interessting character. So I went for it. (I like going to the cinema anyways, I like the smell XD)
ABOUT the movie XD.
I quickly learned why it was a 15-year-rated movie, hö-hö. It was many times when I had to look between my fingers or through my hair. (I'm such a wimp XD) In general I thought it was an alright movie (people starts to throw things at me), I guess I'm just not really into this twisted violent action movies.
I liked the fact that it was not predictable, which relly is the worst about movies. The movie was really twisted, it really made you think how twisted can people get? "How twisted can this Joker guy get?", everytime you think it's enough he comes again and does something worse. At the same time I think the Joker is (kinda) funny and interesting, I'd be really scarred everytime he came on screen because I knew he'd do something crazy like slit someones mouth open. XD Though I felt that the Joker scarred the crap out of me I find his quote "Why so serious?" ironicly appealing. If you don't think about the quote in the context with the Joker. But just otherwise...Why so serious?!
I got very emotional at the ending with the ferries about to bomb each other, OKEJ I'm not going to spoil everything if you haven't seen it. After seeing this movie with all the cruelty and hopelessness, I was surprised by the people actions. It made me feel "Wow there really are hope, people are not all that rotten". But it is the truth right, in a world with all the intrigues and lying, you must believe that people are good because it'll make yourself stay good.

When the movie (finally) was over. I was like "OMG thought the movie would never end!", really there were two times I really thought the movie would end but NO it kept going. But it wasn't like boring (långtråkigt) but I was like what else is going to happen now? Everyone is freakin' dead XD (Okej don't read that, spoiler! XD)


Anonymous said...

Haha..Filmen va juu skit braa! speicellt Jokern :D ''Why so serious?'' Läs min analys av filmen:D Ja de e sant jag har börjat blogga igen:D hoppas resan gåår braa! See yaa when ya get home!

Tiffany said...
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