Wednesday 18 June 2008

IKEA shopping

8 days until Jonas Brothers concert, Copenhagen

Yeah, it's getting closer and closer and I have to make myself not think of it too much or else I get all freaked out. XD
Camp Rock soundtrack is out and the movie will be out in 2 days, craziness. Got to know that there's a 2-disc special edition of the CR soundtrack, really hope I can get that in the UK. :D (Too cool is totally rocking my socks XD)

Yup, so my time at the kindergarden continues, my tasks haven't changed much it's pretty much just watch and play with the children. There are plenty of other teachers in my department so most of the time it's chill. Only today I got the charge of 3 kids at lunch time among them 2 were babies, so i had to cut the food, get napkins, feed them and such. That was the only time when I felt like "AAAAAAHHHHH help!" XD

In these two short days I've seen kindergarden and (small) children in a whole different view. I might have got some different view of kindergardens from my owm experience but kindergardens really are just a place where you drop your kids to be watched. Just like babysitting with nannies but it's with many nannies and many kids. Brilliant invention....(sarcastic smiley on msn) Maybe they just have this simple quest but it never really struck me that this is just the ONLY thing they do, maybe I thought it was some preparatory phase to school or something. (we did that in my kindergarden, didn't they?)
Now when I've been around more kids at the same time than in my entire life (exaggerating?), I've really become to notice children, like notice, NOTICE. I went to IKEA and some shopping centre and I just couldn't stop notice all the children and what they were doing and stuff. I was like; are there really so many kids?! XD

I have been re-doing my walls as I said, how and why I can tell you another time XD. So I really was into looking for paintings and frames. Today we went ot IKEA to look at CD/DVD stands but it ended up with looking and buying things for me. XD Like this photos, they are really cool I think with the black and white pictures and the frame. We also bought a laptop case (finally), which I couldn't find a picture of but it's pretty cool. ;) I also found tons of other things I'd love to have like a new wardrobe and a sofa bed.

Muhaha, I know the wardrobe is for children but I just think it's so cool. It's like a part of the childhood I never had. XD very "Cat in the hat"-like don't you think? :D


Elin said...

You should come live with me for a while and you'll see that this whole town is only children! O.o it's crazy. But either the women are pregnant (+ baby carriage and small children), or just walking with children and baby carriages. I swear this whole town is only families with three or more children! O.o

Anyhow, that wardrobe is just so cute. I almost said kawaii there, but I decided that I shouldn't xP

Everytime you mention the concert I get sad because I can't go. -.- I want all pictures and all details later!

Caroline said...

coola foton!

Anonymous said...

aaaah dom loosade ju :( fast dom är kanske lite överskattade av svenska folket :P

jaa jag sa upp mig för det var verkligen ett ångest jobb! vi får ingen fast lön utan BARA provision på hur många kunder man bokar in, och det är inte många kan jag säga.. på två dagar tjänade jag 120 kr; slavlön! :P

men jag jobbar på ett annat företag också så det är ganska lugnt :D

jasså dagis, orkar du med alla ungar då? :P är det ung i sommar? för ung i sommar är verkligen inget kul, det är också slavlön :P men som sagt bättre än inget :)
fan vad nice, london! dit måste man en vacker dag :D

jävlar nu blev det låångt :D

Tiffany said...

re Elin: omg I think I'd get mad, litteraly living in Svedala XD
Aw, sry Elin about the concert, but I do think you should blame a little on yourself for not buying on time!
It really is kawaii :D

re Carro: Ja visst e dem :D HAr dne uppe nu i rummet, riktigt snyggt :D