Sunday 1 June 2008

Art of being on time

(note: This is part 7 in a series of my trip to France, please read "Let get this party started", "Are you hungry", "Game over prettyface", "the tables gonna turn", "We are talking!", "Traumatic memories" and "BYE Nantes!" to get the whole story in chronologic order)

Muahhaha, finally the story is coming to an end. XD You like my new widget by the way (it's under my links)? Muaahhhhaa, I just got it and think it's really cool.... And also I've got the list of the songs to the new JB CD, actually I while ago but I'm going to post it after these whole series. wait for it ;)
And I totally missed the one month lest anniversary! :'( Anyway now it's 25 freakin' days left until my first JB concert and I'm still not

Day 7; 8th May
Today we could really relax and just be lazy in the morning for once! The plan for today was visiting the Eiffel tower around noon and then some free time then it was heading back to la Suède. We first thought of heading out in the morning and then meeting everyone at Eiffel tower, but no we had to all meet at the hotel and put all our stuff into the bus and then we drive there together. There go out plan...
Instead we have a very laaazzy morning going up a bit later and eating breakfast together. Really, breakfast was the only thing we ate properly that whole week. XD After that we went up to our room and just watched french cartoons the whole morning, packed and napped a bit.

At noon we launched all our stuff in the bus for the last time and said goodbye to the hotel. It might have been situated in the worser part of Paris and was only a 2 star hotel it was actually really nice and cosy. Here's the view into the inner yard (?) from our room on the fifth floor. (picture 2)

We arrived at the Eiffel tower a tad late (did we ever come on time during the whole trip? did we?) adn we sent out our utterly....confused english teacher to buy tickets for us to go up the tower.
We get off and we start to look for our teacher. There are 4 different entries right, I didn't know it either but each entry goes to a specific floor. For all we knew she could have been buying tickets for only the second floor or something, so there we wait..
After like 20 minutes our other teacher gets her call and we all go walk over to her entry and we figure out that if you wanted to go up there you have to stand in line. There we've been wasting time and were about to waste even more standing in line. It also the sam time as I started to feel hungry. After discussing for another while the teachers asks us who really wanted to go up the tower.

I've been to Paris surely more than 10 times but never actually went up the Eiffel Tower and I thought it'll be cool to finally do it and for free (hohoh, school's paying). Then one of my friend bailed out, he's afraid of heights and then another bailed. I never reeally like craved to go up there like my other classmates so I thought it'll be nicer if we went shopping and eating somewhere. I really wasn't in the mood of standing in that milelong line! So we ditched the rest of the class and took the métro (situated about a kilometre from the Eiffeltower) to somewhere close to Jardin des Tuilleries.

We found out that it was a long tourist steet but we did find a nice and not too expensive restaurant slash eating place and for once it wasn't a baguette! XD We went on full and happy and found Jean D'Arc! XD It's kinda of a inside thing really, anyway here we have Didrik with his historical hero...ine. XD

The whole time I inevitably felt that I recognized the streets and we then walking into the Japanese quarter and then i knew I was right. My aunt's husband or my cousins dad works at a Japanese restaurant in this district and believe or not (...?) I found the restaurants and I dragged my friends in with me. We talked a bit and the got offered something to drink and eat. I was really proud of myself that I actually found it. :D Then of course we stayed a bit too long and we didn't find the métro.
We came to the Eiffel tower station just about the time we were going to meet everyone again. But no no, it was that station one miloketre away from the actual tower. I don't know but wouldn't it be logical to have a métro station by the Eiffel tower, which is the biggest tourist attraction in Paris?!
It ends up with that we had to run and the teacher calling me. There you go, for once I tought it would be a change if I (whose always there 5 minutes before) of everyone was late. XD


Elin said...

Your new widget is awesome xD

Haha! You really found a statue of Jeanne d'Arc?! I'd do anything to see Didrik's face!