Thursday 26 June 2008

I'm slipping into lava TONIGHT!

Today I will only think of one thin and one thing only, JONAS BROTHERS!
I could not imagen for a year ago that this day will come and now it is, it's mad! XD There will be some difficulties when queueing (spelling?) to get into the concert hall, but I guess we'll manage ;) GOOOSSH I'm so psyched!
I will come home pretty late tonight so I won't be able to blog...I think. (If I'm not all speeded up and can't possible sleep..XD) Or else I'll blog on friday night or something. I hope to take tons of photos to share with me (right Elin? XD)
Then it's off to Stockholm on saturday morning, cdsigning, then JB concert again! Wow it totally gonna ROCK this summer, I'll walk on clouds the rest of the summer...XD

I still have tons of things to do from my list of things to do. I'll amek sure to inform whenever I'm finished with one. ;)
Carro, I read your mail. You seem to have an awesome time in Vietnam! Hope you find the time to comment me some time... XD

This is in the Science/Aquarium museum we visited in Gothembourg. Really cool ;)


Elin said...

Tomorrow! Tomorrow! Tomorrow! Yeah, I wanna see all your pictures and hear all stories and everything. And tomorrow we'll meet, right? ;)
So then I can be crazy with you!

Caroline said...

den har datorn po detta hotellet i denna stad, eller ska jag kalla det by, det ligger nanstans i mellersta vietnam iaf, ar sjukt konstig! vi kunde lasa amandas mejl iallafall om JB-konserten. kul att ni hade skoj =)hoppas du har skoj i sthlm ocksa! yesterday we went with a tour to a city called Hue, really boring and hot as hell!! -_-
this stupid computer has shut down you actual blog page so i can't read your blog entries right now, but some other day.. and i hope this freakin long comment kommer fram
sry for my svengelska xD haha!
ha det sa bra :)

Tiffany said...

AWwww! Thanks for commenting you are the best! It have been crazy over here and I hope you also have the best time!