Friday 20 June 2008

I'm Burning Up, burning up for you baby

6 days until Jonas Brothers concert in Copenhage, Denmark

Haya guys! I'm blogging from Gothembourg in my hotel, muhaha that sounds so Jonas Brothers XD XD
Yupp here I am in a suburb to Gothembourg and we've had an awesome day with some crazy shopping adn then crazy rollercoasters. We started the car around 7.30 witch means I got up before 7 (that's earlier than an usual workday! XD). We arrived at Ullared after nine, Ullared is this tiny city an hour from Gothembourg. There's abosolutely nothing special about it than the big outlet area they have in the city. Really it is the cheapest place to shop in Sweden. XD I don't think it is possible to come out from there not buying one single thing, myself I've shopped for about 500 kr only there.
After going shopping crazy in 2 hours we continued to Gothembourg, we went to the huge shopping centre they have and bought the Gothembourg ticket/pass thing that gives you discount, free entries and such throughout the city, then we shopped some more there before checking in to the hotel. After that we hit Liseberg, the amusement park in Gothembourg. It was a pretty long time ago we were there adn they had got some new attractions which was pretty cool. But for me it didn't seem very.....satisfying. XD Maybe it was because of the lousy weather, (it had occaisionally rains but in the middle of queuing to a more popular attraction, wet!) but the attraction didn't give me the same kick as I used to have in amusement parks. Maybe they have pretty lame attractions and NO Balder is not cool, well the 70 degree leaning slope was pretty okej but is not THAT funny.

O H M Y J O N A S !
The official Burning Up video, it's AWESOME! Joe is hilariuos I think I'd die the first time seeing him in that mustasche. XD OMG I didn't know Big Rob could rap, I think it's so sweet of the boys letting him rap in the song! (aaawww) I'm however a bit concerned about Nick's whole I'm-so-hot image, with the hair, the shirt and the hand in the hair. Nick pls stop! XD

The "A Litte Bit Longer" album cover! A little too photoshopped don't you think? XD


Elin said...

What are you doing in Gothenburg? O.o

I've never been to Ullared myself, but I had a childhood friend who went there freaquently with her parents. And hey, to get the real kick from the attractions you need to ride the really big and fast ones x) Up-side-down, around-around... Those attractions. When we go to Stockholm I will definetely bring my sister to Grönan! xP

Anonymous said...

åååh LISEBERG! jag vill också dit, har aldrig varit där haha :/

jaa det var sjuk lön, det var 5 timmar om dagen. men nu jobbar jag på min pojkväns brors taxibolag, sitter i växeln och tar emot beställningar :P men det är hela nätter jag sitter, 22-06 , men bra betalt :D

Tiffany said...

re ELin: Well duh! XD I did all the big ones and "wild" ones I did, believe me. I've been to Gröna Lund, there is nothing fun there XD Höhö, it's more for younger I'm getting old XD

Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?