Saturday 14 June 2008

Sry posters, I need to grow up [edited!]

Haya, it is freakin' summer break and I have loads of time but still slacking on the blogging. XD My friends just came down from Helsingborg or maybe I've just been mad at computers in general... The other computer "the good computer" suddenly didn't work, I'm glad I did a copy of my new photos but I still have a lot on that computer PHOTOSHOP! :'( You know what they say, You don't know what you have until it's lost. -AMEN!

As said, my friend and her sister came down. It was ages since we all got together and I missed it! We cooked, played Mario kart wii (ALOT) and made milkshake/smoothie/something with my mum's blender. It was awesome, muahahha!

SIX days until the American premiere of Camp Rock! IIIHHH, think I've been longing since last year and now finally!!! :D I do think I'm gonna freak out. I can't deny it anymore. XD The released clips are awesome and I'm killing myself waiting!
All Swedish Disneychannel viewers, remember 12th September! It is the Scandinavian premiere of Camp Rock! And if you're visiting the US (lucky bastard) don't forget to do a round in Target, they have tons of Camp Rock merch. there, and bring back some for me! XD

Honestly Jonas Brothers have taken up ALOT of my brainactivity lately adn the results? TA-Dah a blog full of JB. XD You guys must think it's dead boring. XD
So here's a list of Summer promises:
-Read at least 2 books (eventually Twilight, Harry Potter och Dödsrelikerna?)
-Learn new songs on the guitar (All-american rejects, Hey There Delilah the whole song, Camp rock songs?) Any requests? XD (Kung fru grip by Amanda, I'll try!:D)
-Learn the "Hey the Delilah" lyrics properly (!)
-Upload new video(s) to the blog
-Get a youtube account
-Make tutorial videos and co-op with Therese! (Therese!)
-Redo the walls of my room (half done)
-Print out photos (can be a problem now that the computer is down)
-Get present for a friend
-Blog at least every other day
-Get a proper tan (t-shirt tan, so embarrassing..)
-Ride bike around whole Malmö
-Look through all the school application brochures/booklets and decide my future (hö-hö XD)

List of important dates: XD
16/6- Start summer working (Kinderkarden, Yeho! not)
17/6-Release of Camp Rock soundtrack (can I wait until U.K? XD)
20/6- Going to Göteborg (Camp Rock premiere in US, Carro going to Vietnam )
26/6- AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH, JB in Copenhagen (more screaming)
28/6- IIIIIIHHH once again, JB in Stockholm (loads pf more screaming)
2/7- Premiere of Narnia; Prince Caspian (and I am going!)
2/8-Me and Meikei going to London!
(to be completed)

Was kinda bored while studying, R.I.P posters and I have to grow up :'(


Caroline said...

jag kan heller inte hey there delilah lyrics. haha!

saknar du inte dina posters? :P

Tiffany said...

Eller hur, jag fatatr nt hur svårt det kan vara XD Det är därför dubbelt så svårt att lära sig spela den när man inte vet texten XD

Mina JONAS BROTHERS POSTERS!! XD Nej skoja, det är ganska okej..

Elin said...

You seem to have a pretty full summer :P I have nothing decided yet xP Just working and relaxing :)