Friday 27 June 2008

Can I die now?

Okey, I couldn't blog yesterday and I can't quite do it now either. My train for Stockholm leave at 8.11 so i have to get up really early and so on. Today have been insanely stressful and I was riding the bike home when it was raining-resulting a headache. So I really need to sleep now, I can't be sick tomorrow! XD
It was pretty insane. The whole experience and the brothers.

I'm gonna write every detail on monday I promise! So just for now: GREG GARBO IS THE MAN!

I've had a conversation with Greg Garbo, have you?


Anonymous said...

Snart kommer du hit HURRA!
Jag har lyssnat lite på dom de senaste två dagarna. Man måste ju kunna nånting!

Anonymous said...

NOW you can die!