Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Wait, where's Edward Cullen?

OKEJ NO! Just answering the question in your head, No I haven't seen Twilight. ALTHOUGH I'm pretty sure I've seen it, indirectly.

I came home from our last violin orchestra get together thingy (kinda sad) and after I watched the evening's episode of Ugly Betty. I zapped to a movie on canalplus -The Covenant (thought it was called the pact cuz the Swedish title was "Pakten" XD). I first got interested since I saw Laura Ramsey (Olivia in "She's the man") in it. After approximatley 3 and a half minute I realized this movie reminded me of something else.... Hot teenage guys, golden eyes, supernatural powers, an innocent girl, forest. WAIT is Edward Cullen turning up soon or what? I kept watching and by every minute I got more and more amused that this (year) 2006 movie was just like "Twilight".

Ok, I'm not gonna appoint myself a Twilight expert but I'll list things I think (know) are the same in The Covenant and Twilight. Calling all Twilight fanatics, tell me if I'm wrong ;)
It's NOT necessarily in a chronologic order. Caution weird abbreviations :P

-The story is set out in a kinda off foresty place in the States, New England perhaps?
-The main characters are teenage-ish
-The main male character (MMC) is not a normal human, he's of a supernatural kind
-The main female charcter (MFC) is a normal human
-The male characters overall are hot (supposed to be hot)
-Their first meet is schoolrelated
-They go to the same school
-There is a romantic spark between them from the beginning
-We learn that the main male character has friends of his own kind
-They are sort of "bad" and he is the kind one (to her)
-MMC's kind shifts eyecolours whenever they "extract" their supernatural power
-The weather in general is grey and rainy. Thunderstorms maybe?
-MMC and MFC starts to see each other
-MMC tells/shows MFC about things, which indirectly are things related to his kind
-MFC somehow ends up reading/researching about things MMC told her
-MFC get suspicious about MMC's origin
-There are more than one fight between hot male characters
-The fights have slow motion sequences
-Someone suddenly wakes up in the middle of the night, sweaty from a nightmare
-MMC and MFC go out and they kiss (...in the car? XD)
-They look very cute together (...)
-Some evil force/person (EFP) emerges
-EFP is the same kind as MMC
-His target is MMC, he targets people close to MMC - soon MFC
-MMC tells MFC about him being the kind he is
-She doesn't get freaked out (unlike a normal person would XD)
-Evil force/person get to MFC, MMC comes in to save the day, evil person warns and threatens MMC
-There is a prom of somesort
-EFP take/capture/kidnap MFC as a bait to lure MMC to him
-There is a fight between evil person and MMC
-The fight includes use of cool (or supposed to) supernatural power during a rock tune as background music
-MMC get his butt kicked but then get strength (from somewhere) and win over EFP
-MFC doesn't really have a personality she's mostly being cute and a victim
-The ending is a such which easily can have a sequel
-There are no real jokes in the movie

There you got the list, I didn't say it was a short one... ;)


Elin said...

Sounds just like Twilight xD

Caroline said...

Håller med Elin :P

Tiffany said...


Kajsa said...

Alla rätt, förutom en liten sak. Twilight: EFP goes after MFC first, but gets of at that MMC protects her. Men det är typ likadant. Shit, att du palla sitta och göra jämförelser.

Tiffany said...

MUHAHAHHAHAHHAA I score big time! :) Men det roliga är ju att jag aldrig har varken läst eller sett Twilight, men ändå vet. Vad säger det om hur förutsägbar filmen är..? :P

Jenni said...

OMG, jag kan nt fatta att jag har sett Twilight indirekt!!! >______<

Tiffany said...

Oh please! XD