Monday 29 June 2009

I better shape up

Hi y'all,
I've been reading some old posts from this blog and I'm so disappointed at me right now. When read posts like from early 2008 and such, I could really see this glow -the eagerness to blog. I remember, bloging was my thing. I didn't blog for other people to read, I blogged for myself. I had so much to say, my entries were always so long. I had so much personality and so many different things to talk about. What happened? (Man, I really have to stop bloging Jonas updates, even I think it's boring reading them XD)

I've gotten boring. Is that what it's all about? I think too much I forget the simplicity in everyday life? I think that might be true. I'd liek to blame it all on Twitter, but deep down I know I can't.
I'm going to shape up! No sissy games!

So anyway, I got a weird mail today.

I checked my mail like an hour ago and I found this in my inbox, from some demetriuscwthompson with the title: door. I didn't recognize the mail so I thought it was just some junkmail, but those usually gets in the junkmail folder. So I opened it and there's this 2 sentence message, no attached files, no signature no nothing. It makes perfectly no sense. I tried to remember if I had sent something to someone that might get this kind of answer.

Hi again the example seems good but we can not know what will happen in a real life be careful.

What does this mean? The person sent an example of a device of some sort but it might not work in real life and could be dangerous? He says "WE can not know what will happen", who are we? Are they some kind of organization? "Be careful"? It is a weapon?

I don't know. The mail just makes me so curious of what it is talking about and how did it end up in my mail?.....Wait, I've read too many detective stories! XD Anyway, what do you make of it?


Björn said...

I've just got the same mail.

Elin said...

I make junkmail out of it. Not all junkmail go down the junkmail folder you know. Some just slip in to the other one ;)

Caroline said...

Alla hamnar vi i en bloggtorka-period nån gång så det är inte du som har blivit tråkig, man orkar helt enkelt inte blogga. that's it xD

Tiffany said...

re Björn: Haha, that's so weird. Do it was just a junkmail

re Elin: Well I know, what I meant was that it didn't look like a regular junkmail. And what was the point of the email?

re Carro: Bloggtorka? Nja jag vet inte. Kan man gå i två år och skriva jätte bra och sedan hela detta året skriva dåligt?

Kajsa said...

I'd be more afraid that it'd be a virus-mail.

Tiffany said...

re Kajsa: Well me too btu it didn't have any file attached so...