Dear Tiffany,
My world is so dark and unsecure right now, and I desperately want to hope and believe that everything will work out in due time. But I'm just too afraid to get my hopes up.
Life and choices aren't easy but I wish I could stop worrying and thinking about it so obsessively, I'm gonna get greyhaired! I want you to say it out loud when you read this again in 5-10 years, "Tiffany you worried your little head too much, everything is FINE!" I demands it.
I hope I still do what I love and still have my dreams. Doing what you love, that is all that matters. I'd very disappointed if you've forgotten! I would do everything to look into my life in 5 years even just for 2 seconds, I really would. But hey I can't timetravel (or I STILL can't timetravel) ;). You know what you love and I hope you went for it, even if it meant stepping outside your comfort zone. You can't live inside a bubble your entire life, you are better than that. I hope you still play the guitar and listen to those goddamn brothers! XD If you could do it your entire (later) teenage you could do it now. Don't forget you lost your concert-virginity to them! ;) There are never a moment in life when you couldn't use a Joe moment. ;) But I hope you didn't do anything too crazy, alright.
Wherever you are and whenever you read this, don't forget your roots! Please have a moment to reminisce on the good memories. Your school time, expecially Malmö latin, your awesome class and everything you learnt. Your old friends (you should write them a email!). Your awesome summer in 2008. Your family.
I may not be very fond of the parents right now of how they always pushes you to do things, how much they demands of you and how they fight. But you have to remember everything they've done for you, where they come from and what they have gone through. They've worked so hard just to make sure you, Jenny and Martin have everything - everything they couldn't have. They might be pushy and demanding but they just want to be proud. And I hope you never let them down and just keep fighting for your dreams and goals. I know they will be proud just to know you'll never give up.
I had so many things I wanted to do before I get old and I really hope you've accomplished at least some of those. Remember the apartment with Melanie? Fashion magazine? Movies? Photographing? US and Hongkong? If not then rethink these things!
And lastly I hope you found love (or at least felt something again). Don't be afraid to feel things. Better to love and be broken than never loved at all.
Tiffany you are smart, you'll work things out!
Tiffany age 19, 14/06/09
2 weeks ago
Wonderful. I really don't know what to say to this...
Just one thing, though. Hope you'll still have your blog in 5 years, then! ;P
wow, nice written.
re Elin: Thanks. Haha yeah although I think I will have it but I'm gonna write it down on paper know just in case ;)
re Carro: Aw thanks! :')
du kan skriva du. HAHA!
Nu har jag bara 4 dgar kvar har. det ar hemskt. Jag saknar redan alla och speciellt en speciell person. HAHA! KOmmer inte bli latt. jag kan inte fatta att det tar slut nu. Oh om litre opver en veck drar jag till Florida. Jajj!
Jaghoppasa att du har det bra dar nere i Malmo. Jag vill traffa dig igen. Vi har en hel del attt snacka om!
re Kattis: Usch nej va jobbigt. Ska ni fortsätta at hålla kontakten o sådär?
Lyckos dej som ska te USA, när e de du kommer tillbaka? Vi borde träfas allihopa i sommar! VI måste! XD
Jepp. Ja vi ska halla kontakten. Vi kommer fortfarande vara tilsammans. Jag ska forsoka dra ner till Spanien i sommar. och jag vet att han kommer i host. Jag kasnke aker ocksa ner i host sen igen, men vi far se med skola och allt..
Ja ska bli jakligt kul med Florida. Jag kommer tillbaka den 9 Juli.
JA vi maste se till att det blir av.
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