Saturday, 27 June 2009

This is a no killing area

sitting here listening to Turn Right. I haven't stopped or listened to anything else than Lines ever since I got it. I might listen to just this album until I die, seriously! XD

So what has been up?
Me and Carro went to Copenhagen 2 days ago. The weather was fantastic, the shopping wasn't though. Goosh everything was so expensive and it was summer sale even. Anyway we had some good time eating ice-cream and stuff. It was nice, to have a variety for once.
There was this exhibition of funny signs from all over the world in a square;

I've also booked a room in a residence hall near my school. So we'll have a viewing of the flat when we're in London 9th July, along with a open house on my campus I'm quite excited, huhuhu. XD

Basically I'm really boring during summers, I'll do some videos soon (I promise!) but otherwise I'm just lazying around. So I don't want to put my no-life low life on my blog, keep following it on Twitter instead ;) Hahaha.



Caroline said...

Skylt nummer 1 & 3 såg jag inte? :o

Kajsa said...

Hi hi! (skyltarna). Du får ta bilder på stället (London) så vi får se hur det ser ut.

Tiffany said...

re Carro: Nehe, tyckte etann var klockren! XD

re Kajsa: Jo det ska jag göra :D:D

Elin said...

skrattade ihjäl mig åt skyltarna xD va bra att du an fixa husesyn och sånt när ni ändå är där...

Tiffany said...

re Elin: haha jo tyckte de va klockrena. JO det ska bli kul att kolla in allt innan det börjar på riktigt.