Wednesday 2 September 2009

So Random

Honestly, have nothing sensible to say. So here you have a printscrren instead. XD
This was a while ago but I thought it was pretty cool so I saved it. So it's my livefedjit thing, which shows everyone who clicks into my blog, where they're from and what kinda of internet they use blahblahblah. XD Sometimes I entertain myself by looking at this chart, watching where people are from and so on. So that day I found someone from Wyckoff, New Jersey. How cool is that? ;)

And also, you maybe think I don't know but I know you from Columbia, South Carolina watch my blog from now and then. (Because I know this person comes directly to my blog) I just wanna say: it's awesome pls keep doing it. ;)

Currently listening to:


SANDRA said...
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sandra said...

hahah wyckoff, så cooligt XD

Kajsa said...

Hm, jag kunde inte hitta dig när jag sökte på "lines vines and trying times" på google. Jag kollade till åttonde sidan. Ja ja, någon/några hittade dig tydligen på det sättet. Coolt XD

Tiffany said...

re Sandra: Jo jag tyckte också det!! XD

re Kajsa: Hmm, de flesta som kommer in på min blogg har sökt typ lines vines and trying times track list eller så. Men ja det finns olika sätt att hitta mig. XD Men kul att du ville testa :P

Anonymous said...

Ha! I'm from Columbia, South Carolina. && I love your blog. I found in randomly one day during a google search, and I ended up bookmarking it. You always have something interesting to say.

Tiffany said...

re Anonymous: HAHAHA this is kinda comical. XD I really can't understand why you like my lousy blog but I couldn't be happier to hear(read) that from you. I'm truly flattered. :) Anyway thanks for keeping reading and pls don't hesitate to comment. I'd love to hear from you!