Sunday 27 September 2009

Heroes is back in town.

Hi there,
Must tell you that the internet I have here is really slow, it's not even 1 mb/sec. So like a 4 minute video on Youtube takes me like an hour to upload, but to my surprise however uploading series (megavideo,divx,vureel etc) doesn't take that much time, I mean compared to the time it took me at home. Which I'm really really thankful for, cuz now I can catch up all of the shows I watch.

I kinda lost interest in Heroes after the fourth season. I didn't even cared to find out if they were doing a new season. Then out of nowhere my friend told me, last week, she'd watched the trailer to the fifth season. I was like Oh so they still make the show. XD With basically nothing better to do I started to upload the first episode, actually the second too since it was a double episode.

So after I seen it now I really hope that the producers and writers have pulled themselves together and made this a good sustainable season. Because I like Heroes I really do, I want it to be good again. So to my delight the season opening seemed very promising.

Caution next part may contain spoilers.
It's nice seeing Claire in school again. She got a new haircut and I really liked it, I'm so over her wigs from season 3 and 4. XD Just have to say PSSYYCCCHHOOO roomate! XD
I don't think I've ever shipped any relationships in heroes, but I totally do now with Ando and Kimiko (well maybe Mohinder and Eden from s1). Yeay! :D And finally they got rid of that scumbag Denko! XD

Can honestly say I really look forward for tomorrow's episode "Ink". Mohinder is gonna be in it and I can't wait to get to know those creepy circus people more. Haha.


Kajsa said...

Oh my, a fifth season.

Tiffany said...

yes indeed.