Hello there,
So another 2 days has passed. I went ot the social event thing yesterday, it was quite okey. Got to talk to a postgrad girl from Hungaria and then I met the girl from the European seminar this summar. There were food and drinks and that was basically it. It was a'ight. XD
Today I've been to the inductory session for journalism and I just had to say wooow. It was so different from the laid back-here's the information session for fashion marketing.
First of all we all met in this huge lecture room and then got divided into our course group, as of deja vu when he called out Journalism like 50% of the people in room stood up. I was like soooo, I chose pretty popular stuff huh. XD But being in that session for journalism was like being in another world, the people is totally different. There were no blonde girls giggling or metal sounds from bracelets, people seemed really serious. And oh I came to figure that out!
The lecturer (prof. or whatever) talked for like 3 minutes about the course and then the next hour she actually made interact in class, asking questions, made us brainstorm and gave us an assingment. The first thing that made my heart beat faster and faster was that she asked us, what kind of journalism there were. And after a split second several people raised there hands, and it seemed to like everyone knew everything while I could nothing. She then took out 4 news papers (the guardian, the sun, daily mail and the mirror) and she told us to, in pairs, write down the characteristics for each of them. I was like; seriously?! I had no idea, it's not like I read the British papers everyday, so I turn to guy next to me. Which turns out to be Mr-know-it-all. However he explained to me the differences and was all like "ha-ha hope she doesn't ask you". I felt so out of place, how will I survive this?
She aksed us later what we had written and luckily quite a few people raised their hands. After each statement she asked us more about the papers like what kind of politcal view do they have and like, Who is this? (on the front page) and EVERYONE goes Gordon Browns wife. (I was like omg I never seen the woman in my entire life!) And when a girl answered wrong on which political wing the guardian was Mr-know-it-all had to shout out the right answer. Awesome I know.
Then as a final thing she asked us to (still in pairs) write a front page headline for the Sun. Two seconds later mr-know-it-all had come up with a headline, and I was like omg I can't do this. But I don't know what got into me the next moment but I actually came up with one, Don't fret at Londonmet. And when Mr-know-it-all saw it he was all like "That's really good". And then the horror continues when she asked from person to person what headline they had come up with, she then wrote them on the white board for us to later vote for the best on. (Heart skips 2 beat)
I felt a bit calmer though when she started fromt he other end and when I heard some less good headlines. Don't get me wrong most of them were really good, but I just felt really relieved. When it was our turn Mr-know-it-all had come up with a headline of his own and after he said it he was like but we got a better one and then pointed at me. I was like thank you for the patronizing. Anyway so after that assignment she let us go. (Freshers' pressure won btw) I was like stumbling out of the room as fast as I could. OMG, that's all I thought OMG.
But I'm kinda good with it now, I just have to study harder and read newspapers. XD Then later on it was time for enrolment, in which I heard the staffmember trying to pronounce Slutbetyg and then got my student ID card, and that's it. Now I'm gonna go make dinner and eat, ciao!
2 weeks ago
Haha, wow that was some day 8DDD Well don't worry to much about it, it's always hard in the beginning. I'm having a hard time at IB because there is things I haven't done in ninth grade (tack för det söderkulla -.-). You will learn eventually! ... I'm trying to tell myself that ^^;
Yeah me too. I know you'll be fine, so I'll probably be fine too.
Hi hi, sounds like fun days. When we started, the first day was kind of layed back and just "give information". Then the second day it was like "okay, now we start the course", and we had three lectures à 2 hours about Litt in general and lots and lots of terms. Normally we have about two seminars per week and some lectures in the beginning of the part-course (the course is divided in four 7,5 point courses). So usually I don't go to school over three days a week. However, we then have a pretty large pile of things to read and think about at home.
Wow, I really rambled.
Jaha, nu börjar det på riktigt, nu går vi trots allt på universitet, det är tufft. Men du kommer att klara det, man behöver bara lägga ner lite mer tid. Håller tummarna. kram
re Kajsa:...okej XD
re Meks: Jo, vi gör det. Får jobba på. :)
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