Monday 31 August 2009

I must be paranoid

Good day,
I think might have the most boring blog in the inter-world. So here's an entry to reinforce the statement. XD

So 31th August, huh? Which means September tommorrow, which means 20 (freakin') more days until London. But I think it's all kinda good now, I'm calm. XD I got a grip of the whole situation now and I'm actually quite excited, even packing will be kinda fun now.
I've officially conquered the fear. And about university, I got my CSN (student funding) money today and paid the tuition fee, £3225 not less not more (since the British pound have been low this week). Things are reaaalllyy haaappeniiing. ;)

I didn't tell you in last entry that it was my brothers birthday (29/8). Yup he turned 15. (I must be really old it feels like ages since I was 15 XD) We went to this fancy restaurant with the family and some family friends. It was an asian restaurant in town, the buffet was huge. XD There was a sushibuffet (which I didn't touch), a mongolian bbq buffet, a delicious chinese/thai food buffet and then a dessert buffet. I don't think I've been that full, ever.
(Additional random info: their toilet (at least the ladies) was bigger than my future room in London, really) XD

I don't like sushi but how cute aren't these? XD


Caroline said...

Jag vill också äta på den där buffetrestaurangen! Hört att den ska vara väldigt god.

Tiffany said...

Oh ja, det var riktigt gott. :D Vi får gå nästa gång du e i Malmö (och jag med för den delen XD)