Saturday 26 September 2009


Wow, I've been in London for almost a whole week now. Crazy. I've been alone in London almost 4 days now. Crazy.

I haven't been up to much since doesn't quite know people around here. I've talked to my flatmates for a bit and they seem very nice. I originally have 4 flatmates but one of them moved out, so as far as I know, there are 2 chinese girls and a japanese guy in my flat. "Oooh, chinese girls you're lucky" you might think but not really they're from Beijing and speaks mandarin. Since I hardly speak any mandarin it's even difficult understanding them sometimes. They've been friends even before they came to London, so I find it a bit difficult to get to know them. I mean they're basically together all the time and only speaks mandarin with each other. But I'll figure something out, I hope. :P
The japanese guy is really quiet, I hadn't heard/seen a glimpse of him in 2 days and he could might as well been kidnapped or something, but I saw him in the stairs today so it's all good. XD There were also this guy from Camroon but he changed room as said.

They're all older than me, the japanese guy is 26 and the girls are 20. The funny thing however is that I'm the only one who cooks and uses the kitchen. Really, I'm like the only one who has food in the kitchen and kitchen supplies in the cupboards. So basically I can't hope to bump into them in the kitchen, because they're never there. XD

So anyway apart from that, school will start in 2 days. I'm actually kinda nervous. I'm afraid I won't like the school or that the course is too hard. Agony! XD

London Metropolitan University, the Tower Building and Graduate centre.

Stapleton House, London Met business department. In other words, this is where I'll be next Monday on. XD


Kajsa said...

It will probably be better once school starts, then you'll meet people all day and have things to do. Too bad though that the chinese girls speak the wrong accent (?) and are already friends. How weird though that you're all asians? And only 4 people too! And I'm gonna share kitchen with 8...

Caroline said...

Den andra bilden! Det var där vi åkte förbi xD

Haha, kidnappad japan! så de har ingen mat i köket? Vad konstigt!

Meikei said...

Naaaw!! I'm proud, du är inte antisocial ;)
Nu har du chansen att lära dig Mandarin, go for it.
Jag var precis så nervös som du när jag började skolan. Allt löser sig, om jag klarar det så gör du.
Keep on fighting. pusspuss

Tiffany said...

re Kajsa: yeah I guess, and hope! :) yeah it's quite a coincidence that we're all asians. XD Wow, 8 people, that's alot. XD

re Carro: Nice, men då åkte ni förbi den första bilden också för att de är precis mittemot varandra. :P Nope typ ingen mat alls, typ mjölk that's it.

re Meks: läsa mig mandarin? XD Ofta. Haha, vi får väl se hur det går, ska försöka så gott ja kan. Skola imon!! XD

melanie said...

this is soo exciting :D I hope your first day starts off well

Tiffany said...

re Mel: Aw thank you! :D