Wednesday 4 March 2009

Revealing the secrets of parents meetings

First of all I want to wish my friend Meks a very Happy 19th B-day. (Yikes, we are getting old aren't we?) Thank you for never stop being so encouraging and kind.

I went to a parents meeting today. Yes, a parents meeting and no I'm not a parent. My brother's class, whose 15, were going to have a parents meeting today. Most commonlt it's my dad who goes to these stuff, only this week my dad is working late and my mum had just got off from work and was just to tired to go. (...) So she asked me to go in her place. I was like..ookej. So it ended with that me and my sister went, I mean together we are 34- a normal parent! XD

From my point of view there were two things that made me actually agreeing on going. First I've never gone to a parents meeting (actually no) and secondly I haven't been to my secondary school (grundskola) since I ended 9th grade. When we went to the school 6 o'clock these thoughts started to go through my head, how will the parents react when a 18 and a 16 year old comes to their parents meeting, how will the teachers react, will my brother be taunted at tomorrow?, will there be cookies? XD

Actually it wasn't that strange, the teachers didn't say anything they didn't even look twice at us for being weird or something. There were 8 parents there of 27 students, talk about the parents not caring. So while waiting of more parents to show up, the parents there started to small-talk to each other. I caught up something about the financial crisis, the dollar going up and the krona going down, adopting to euro etc. Interesting stuff, so this is what parents talk about when they meet.

After a while no more people showed up and the teachers started to talk. blablabla class trip blalbalba parent-teacher conference blabla. No wonder parents didn't show up, this is boring. XD Then we came to the every famous: Anymore questions? And as surprised I was myself I had something to say. I raised my hand (as I was in class XD) and I told them about the one time my brother had 3 tests in a week and that they shouldn't have more than 2 tests in a week. (In Sweden there's like a law saying you cna only have 2 tests in a week in school) And the teachers started to like squirm and like: yeah...yeah...yeah. Even the parents filled in and agreed with me. The teachers made a conclusion that they would be more careful when they put in a test.

The very first parents meeting ever and I already made an impact. Beat that! XD


Elin said...

Inside info! xD Was there any cookies? :P

Anonymous said...

HAHA! du kommer bli en bra foralder. HAHA!

Caroline said...

HAHAHAH! Nice ;)
8 föräldrar bara? de verkar ju inte bry sig direkt.

Tiffany said...

re Elin: NO ACTUALLY not! I was a bit disappointed. XD

re Kattis: Haha, kanske de du :P

re Carro: Nej verkligen inte, lite synd faktiskt.

melanie said...

you rock haha =)

melanie said...

you rock haha =)

Kajsa said...

"this is what parents talk about when they meet" XD And no cookies, shame on them. Otherwise, cool that you could put some pressure on the teachers. You have to ask your brother to say if they stick to it.

Tiffany said...

re Mel: Well thank you very much! :D

re Kajsa: Haha, I know they should've had cookies, maybe more parents whould have shown up! XD
Thanks, yes I will :D Or else I come at another parents meeting and tell them off. XD muahhaa

Anonymous said...

haha varför tycker du jag har ett konstigt språk på min blogg? På vilket sätt? :)

Tiffany said...

re Vincent: Haha jag tycker du skriver sånt fint och vårdat språk, lite för fint för att va blogg. XD Men ja klart man kan ha det, inte så jag menar ville bah säga det.

Jenni said...

It was so boooorrring >_<

Anonymous said...

haha .. det var det värsta :P
kommer du gå på fler föräldrar möten? ;)

Tiffany said...

re Jenni: HAHA, inte så XD

re MEks: Vsg. :) HAha, jo det var lite udda. XD Ja du man får väl se ;)