Friday 27 March 2009

Turn off the light!

I've meant to post this the whole week but I've forgot! :'( Anyway I hope you've heard it from other occasions. TOMORRW 28/3 at 20.30-21.30 (Swedish time) millions of people around the world will turn their lights off. This in a gesture for the environment and climate. Let us make an impact on the politicians. Let them know we care about our Earth.
As of this morning 19407 private people in Sweden have registrated they will be a part of this manifestation. I myself have registrated, you can too at:
Earth hour 2009


melanie said...

that's good. Cause global warming is seriously getting on my nerves now

Elin said...

Hmm, I didn't register but I did participate :P

Tiffany said...

re Mel: Yeah..XD

re Elin: Ah okej but the important thing was that you did participate :D

Caroline said...

AW, krya på dig!!

Sjukt snygg layout, vart hitta du denna?

Tiffany said...

re Carro: Åh tack :D
Haha tack så mkt hittade den på en free blogtemplate sida..hhö