Tuesday 24 March 2009

Lines, Vines, and Trying Times

Hi, I've been away for a while again. There're alot to catch up on.
First, the new Jonas Brothers CD title (which releases 15/6): Lines, Vines and Trying Times. Although rumoured, I LOVE it. It's cool that it rhymes and it's edgy in a way that it's more mature. So, I also found a rumoured track list, which I think definitely is false except for Poison Ivy. I thought of posting it but it really is just so false I can't even do it. :P Anyway Poison Ivy seemed like the only serious one.

THEN I had a concert last Sunday and if you remember I told you we started to play "Viva La Vida" by Coldplay and that was one of the songs we played. We had a band with guitar,bass,drums and we had choir and a solo singer, it was awesome. My sister filmed us, so wait for a clip later today! ;)

Hoho, the new Heroes episode has finally finished uploading, gotta go watch. See ya :D

When you thought they couldn't get any hotter.... ;)