Friday 5 December 2008

Nick can't stop smiling, me neither

Believe or not people of the world but Jonas Brothers are nominated as Best new Artist at the 51 th Grammy awards! OMJ right. They are nominated alongside Adele, Duffy, Lady Antebellum, Jazmine Sullivan.
The Grammy will air on CBS 9th February 2009. Don't forget ;)

Guys I have an confession to make.

I have sleeping problems. And this week have been worse than ever. I have a strange feeling that I've been writing about this before but this week have really been awful.
I guess it might have something to do with the timechange in Edinburgh, but shouldn't it be gone by now?
It takes quite a while for me to fall asleep normally too but this week, I haven't been able to sleep before an hour or so. I just don't get it! I normally go to bed around 22.30, yes because I really need all those beauty hours. XD This week I haven't been tired even around 24.00, but I still had to get up at 7.00 in the morning. I'm not much tired in school but when I get home and start to do my homework, I can't keep my eyes open! I couldn't have done much other than taking a nap and then force me to get up again.

I'm really into having a healthy everyday and sleeping is one of them. I always try to not sleep too late adn get up early. WHY CAN'T I SLEEP, anymore?! XD
We're reading about stress in Psychology and sleeping problems has much to do with stress. But does it mean I've been stressed almost my entire life?

It's like this I can be tired, dead-tired or not tired at all it will take at least 10 minutes before I can really fall asleep. First of all I've got tinnitus, nothing major but still, then when I shut my eyes. That is when my brain truly starts to work, I think I can work out quantum phsysics when I'm trying to fall asleep. It's jsut crazy how much goes on in my mind at these times, I can work out math sums, speeches, plans for a whole month, project ideas land ike everything!
I've figured that I think too much when I'm about to sleep and that's why I can't fall asleep, but I try to stop thinking. IT DOES NOT WORK. Whatever I do I will start thinking about something, anything!
But worst is when I'm really really tired and it's one of those days I just have so much to think about (unconsciously). I can feel that my eyes are tired , they're dried but because of the thinking it makes me eventually not tired.

I hate this, I go around with hideous dark rings around my eyes the whole year, why did you think I keep having glasses? XD

Tip anyone?


Kajsa said...

Well, I do recognize the problem. And you know me - I don't have very healthy sleeping habits. I'm actually thinking of getting some naturopathic drugs for sleeping - I know my sister used that before.

Caroline said...

ojdå! tinitus? o.O när hände detta?
Har du försökt att läsa bok? Fast det brukar du ändå göra, men jag brukar bli skittrött om jag läser bok innan jag ska sova iallafall. Och lyssna på musik får mig också att bli trött.

Elin said...

När jag har en massa grejer i huvudet precis innan jag ska sova så brukar jag gå upp och skriva ner alltihop så kan jag släppa det för tillfället och sova. Men det är sjukt jobbigt xD Och tinnitus gör faktiskt inte saken ett dugg lättare även om man är van vid det numera...

Tiffany said...

re Kajsa: Haha yeah, no offence but luckily I'm not at your stage yet. XD

re Carro: Haha typ så länge jag har spelat fiol men jag är van. Jo jag blir osso trött, i ögonen observera i ögonen, när jag sover. XD Det är väldigt olika med mig när det gäller att lyssna på musik, när jag lyssanr på musik tänker jag inte så mycket men ibladn blir jag så koncentrerad på musiken typ alla instrument och stämmor att ja nt blir trött. XD

re Elin: Haha, jo det skulle nog funka! Ska ska jag pröva någongång :) Nej ibland är tinnitusen extra jobbig o man blir ritkigt frustrerad men ja man e ju van nu :P