Monday 15 December 2008

Happy pill for the soul

I know everything I do/listen to/watches/ is (fjortifierat) dorky but really I am not a (fjortis) dork. XD Haha.

My dad got tickets for the whole family for High School Musical live on stage yesterday. It premiered in Malmö in September and they started to sell tickets this march (or soemthing), I actually looked up the tickets and prices but first I thought it was quite expensive (still it was cheaper bcause of early buying) and then that it was so far in the future, I was like I don't know what I'm doing in 7 months, I could be dead or something. So in the end I didn't go, my friend did though and she thought it was good.

I knew that when I came entered that auditorium I entered with prejudices, anticipations and all those things. I just knew it was going to silly. First off it's the actors looked (had seen pictures)silly trying to look like the real actors, secondly it's in Swedish, they sing in Swedish and at last it's High school musical, it pretty much says it all.

Even though I laughed out loud, not with them but at them, I thought it was a very good interpretation even some altered and added scenes were even better than the movie's. The dances are not great, they looked kinda weird and..just weird.
It was great anyway, just the atmosphere, the good singers and awesome script. And you just got this kick in the end when they performed some of the songs in English, you just had to sing along.
I strongly recommend for you (halv fjortisar) half dorks out there! ;)

They might sue me or something for uploading these photos, what the hey ;)


Kajsa said...

Jag ville ju se den! Eller ja, i våras ville jag den innan jag sett filmen, men jag nu så är jag inte särskilt intresserad.

Caroline said...

Haha, kuligt. Snackade med Fanny om det tidigare idag i skolan. Hon och Maria och några andra hade varit och sett den i lördes ;)

Tiffany said...

re Kajsa: Jomen den var faktikst riktigt bra. Jag rekommenderar starkt :)

re Carro: JJAAHHAA, var de nere i Mamö för att se high school musical? Nämen vad trevligt:) Gilalde de den då?

Caroline said...

Jaa, det gjorde dem :)