Thursday 2 October 2008

What to, what to buy?

Sorry for not writing! I've been so lazy lately. XD

When I was suppossed to do my homework (home exam?) I was fantastically productive, with something else of course, I updated my CV so that I can start looking for work (again!), I deleted some old photos, read some other school stuff and then....for some reason I started to check up guitars online. It was model after another model. It was electric guitars! Acoustic guitars! Guitar sets! Man, I was stuck. I never thought I'd be this "OH look at that guitar" kinda person, but I guess I am. GEEE I want a new guitar so bad! :'(

Okej in order to understand my poll more, I'll show you some pictures.

1. 2. 3. 4.

1. I really like this new model of iPod nano. And for those who don't know: I have the very first model of iPod nano. It still works though, but it's SOO OOOLLD! XD Of the new ones I like the purple and the orange one best.
2. If I ever get an electric guitar it will be: Gibson SG FADEDWC! But 6000 SEK (about 860 $) it's still a bit much money and it doesn't come with an amplifier or anything. Besides I'm not that good at the gutiar yet!
3. I really want a new acoustic guitar. Mine is so worn out! :( (This has steel strings!)
4. A cheaper electric guitar, and I guess it's better for a beginner like me since it comes with all the stuff. But still this is not the one I really want. XD

Soon HSM 3 folks! Swedish people, get your tickets today! ;)


Caroline said...

aarh nya ipoden är skitfin :)
och gillar den sista elgitarren ;D

Elin said...

I didn't even know they were still making "my" iPod! O.o I thought there were only these new square ones and the video classic that I don't like at all xD But the purple one is really cool. When I bought mine only black and some other colour was available! I'd like the acoustic guitar set, and you know what? My dad's gonna give me one. I nagged him a little too much I think. He told me that he had planned to buy me one for my birthday ^^' Yay! But if your old iPod is still working then you should definitely buy the acoustic guitar set xD

Anonymous said...

Du jag ska köpa en Ipod snart. HAAH! Kanske köper jag en o helgen. who knows.

Du jag ska se HSM 3 med min bundis. Vi har kollat på 1 och se 2 snart. Sen ska vi gå på bion och se den tredje. För vi är mogna -89:or!

Tiffany said...

re CArro: JO JAG VET! NEj jag gilarl tn den så mycket, vill hellre då ha fender tror jag men denna var inte överdrivet dyr så..XD

re ELin: Höhö, this is not your kind of iPod it's newer. It has a bigger screen and video function. XD You are getting an acoustic?!!

re KP: OOhh, ska du köpa de nya lr? Jag vill osso jag vill osso!
HAHAH, kalrt jag ska se den på bio så mogen 90 som jag e ;) XD
Men du kasnke fick en skymt av Zac o VAnessa när de va vid Sergel förra fredagen lr när det nu va XD

Elin said...

On that picture it looks just like mine xD Yep, I'm getting an acoustic! But that's a secret ;)

Anonymous said...

Jag håller med! De nya iPod:arna är jätte fina. Vet du när de kommer ut? Vad kul att du ska leta efter jobb igen. Go for it girl! ;)

Anonymous said...

Jag har aldrig haft nån mp3. bara haft mobilen.

Nope såg inte dom. Dom var här i söndags, när jag fyllde år. SÅ jag åkte inte inför att se dom. Jag åt ju tårta och var i Gävle.

Tiffany said...

re Elin: NO it doesn't, you can take out ur iPod and compare, itsnot the same XD A secret for who? XD Well actually I can guess why so I'm dont gonna act all clueless, do any of ur paretns play?

re Meks: AAAHH, kul att du kommenterar! Har itne hört fårn dig på evigheter!! :'( JO jag älskar dem nya iPodarna XD, de har redan kommit ut har sett den IRL på Mediamarkt. :D Men de finns lite överalt itne alls dyra heller!!
Jo tack! Jag vill verkligen få ett jobb, håller på att bli galen.

re KP: Jaså? Nej tycker du ska skaffa en sån där ny iPod, de e jätte fina! :D
Haha, nej jag bah skoja, men att få se Zac det hade varit något ;) Men ja, gratiis i efterskott gamling! XD

Elin said...

Ok, I found the one and only small difference between the pic and my iPod; the screen is a little higher on the pic xD But otherwise they look exactly the same xD Well, my sister doesn't know ;) and no one outside the family but you now, that's why it's a secret. None of my parents play, but my grandmother have played.

Tiffany said...

re ELin: OKej, so ur gonna do a teach your self like I did ? :D

Elin said...

I think so... Dad's gonna buy me a book and I guess I'll look in that one too

Tiffany said...

re Elin: You must tell me whenever you buy your acoustic! I'm kinda a guitar addict at the moment.
Books are soo hard to follow I must tell you. XD I bought a book myself once, I've never used it! XD (waste of money)