Saturday 25 October 2008

Swedish SAT

I'm so sorry for not writing for so long, this week before the school break, but now it's over and finally I'll have some time for myself before being busy again, which basically is this evening and some hours on wednesday or tuesday.

Let's review the nearest future shall we?
26/10-28/10-Tomorrow, I have to "work" (the crappiest job ever) then my friend is coming down from Helsingborg, and she's staying until Monday-Tuesday (I think)
28/10-On tuesday I have violin lesson, and btw I also have to study for my French test for after the break.
29/10-For Wednesday probably packing and studying.
30/10-2/10-Thursday, I'm flying to Luleå (like the absolute northest in Sweden...bbrrr), meeting friends I haven't met for so long! I'll stay until Sunday.
3/10-4/10-School and French Test :(
5/10- It's OFF TO EDINBURGH for 3 weeks :)

I appiled for the "Högskoleprovet" (the test in itself is much like SAT, it doesn't have the same function though), a while ago and finally did it today.UUuhhgg, the whole experience made me nauseas.
All he strict rules about everything (test time and even rulers), all the forms and papers to fill in (with tiiinnyy squares, geessh!), the answering form with all the werid text and colours (Ughh) and the test teacher whose this old and scary lady.
There also seemed like the place was swamped with older students/people that made me really intimidated. (I'm not cut out for university!! XD)

I could go on all night but that is less interesting. All in all, I think I did pretty well, better than I expected (my expectations were below low, fyi XD), so in other it's still not very good but okej. XD

Okej, this post sucked but I really wanna go and spend some time with my guitar now, before we ahve to seperate for 3 weeks...:'(

[llooovvee] Burnin' Up is showing on Disneychannel. It's also supposed to be shown quite frequently on the Swedish MTV. Tell me if you catch it ;)

- Jonas Brothers burnin' up the whole world...


Caroline said...

haha läskig provledare? XD min va ganska soft.

men visst kändes det som ett riktigt riktgit prov. allt skulle börja på pricken och när man skulle lägga ifrån sig pennan, ja då fick man göra det. i skolan skriver man alltid till lite efter tiden är slut xD

melanie said...

whut, why are you going to scotland? and for three weeks? That's awesome, I'd love to go there too ;(

Tiffany said...

re Carro: Jo fy det var läskigt, och alla de som satt i samma klassrum som jag var typ massa gamlingar med tuden pennor och sudd på bordet. jag bah ööhhh XD
Men ja, vi var tvungna att lägga ner provet på golvet när tiden var slut och sånt bajs XD

re Mel: It's with "school". My high school programme gives that oppurtunity to do a project abroad. We could "choose" among some european countries, then it just becamse Edinburgh. I've never beent here it's gonan be fun :D
MEEELL, come with us!! :D:D

Anonymous said...


Skottland <3
Vad kul, Edinburgh är jättefint och mysigt. Min favorit byhåla finns utanför, där finns världens bästa resturang, the Cuiken Inn. Dom har världens, då menar jag VÄRLDENS godaste Pasta Carbonara med vitlöksbröd-

Måste du göra mig avundsjuk. HAHA! Fast jag är ändå är jag inte helt avis, eftersom jag planerar att studera där på våren, en termin på collage.

Tiffany said...


Jo, nästan alla har sagt det. Jag ser verkligen fram emot att åka.
Sak du åka dit och plugga?! :D När?

Anonymous said...

Lule, it's the final countdown.

Alla säger nog det för det är sant.

Ja förhoppningsvis. På våren, i en termin. Jag hitta en billig kurs. Och jag känner att jag måste få ha kul nångång i miit liv.

Tiffany said...

re KP: Jo hoppas du ahr packat bra, det sak bli minusgrader...XD

Ååhh, men KP du har gjort massa kul i ditt liv!! XD Inte minst i somras ;)

Anonymous said...

OMG this video is hot

Tiffany said...

re Anonym: HAha Burnin' Up? XD I totally agree! :D
Don't be afraid to write your name, we're all just nerds here! XD