Sunday 19 October 2008

I'm sick, I caught the Lovebug

While we're talking so much about the French anyway. Here's a picture my friend drew me: "How you recognize a Frenchman".

Text on the picture:
1. Red beret
2. Goldenblonde curly hair
3. Panting brush in his hand
4. Quite big nose
5. Mustache
6. Scarf tied in the "french way"
7. Baguette in the other hand
8. Navy blue striped shirt
As for my frenchman, 2,4,5,6,8 would be correct. XD

This friday I happened to face the most horrible thing of modern time. Camp rock dubbed to Swedish. Dubbed movies are horrible in itself, when it is in Swedish it's almost 2 times worse but when it came to Camp rock, I've never seen (heard) something this awful. (Well yeah, it might also have something to do with who's in the movie.....herk herk)
The one doing Shane's (Joe's character) voice had not just a very ugly voice but he had also the worst Swdish accent imagenable. It's called "Skånska" and it's spoken in Scania (the region I live in), I guess mostof us have some of that accent here but he had it BBAAAAAAAAAAAD, like he was directly plucked out from countryside.
The voice almost made Joe unattractive! XD I mean people, how could you make something so wonderful so awul?! It should be illegal!!

Btw, today is the premiere of JB's new musicvideo "Lovebug". Man, I can't wait. From what I've seen it's going to epic. XD Camilla Belle is going toin it, how awesome is that?!

I'm sick, I caught the Lovebug ;)


Elin said...

As for mine 4 and 5 is correct xD I haven't heard the dubbed version, just the songs sung in Swedish O_O It's HORRIBLE! Why can't people keep things in its original language!??! Especially when it comes to musical, everything has to be changed...

Jenni said...

Den e inte fardig än

Caroline said...

hade han mustach? XD haha

Tiffany said...

re Elin: AHHAHAHHA it's so fun that these characteristics fit XD HAHA. "This is me" in Swedish is just perfectly horrible! :'(

re Carro: OMG, får mig inte att tänka på honom XD Nej skoja :P

Caroline said...

tänkte komma ner på söndag. how about that? :)