Thursday 20 December 2007

I think there's an epidemic coming..

YYYEEESSS, you heard me right. It's going to be a Narnia Epidemic all over again! Huhu, these wonderful epidemics I love 'em! :D
It's been exactly 2 years since Narnia, the lion, the witch and the wardrobe came out. And I was absolutely OBSESSED! I feel the obsession slowly coming back to me now..(Okej, you guys who know me knows how easy I get obsessed over something....XD)
It ALWAYS starts with the trailer, (watch at: I've seen it now 3 times just get more and more excited everytime. XD

Comments on the trailer:
Brilliant beginning. Real nice to see them in the "real" world, as always, in the underground. Susan's and Lucy's ties are exactly like Hufflepuff ties in Harry Potter(hoho). Peter's and Edmunds reminds very strongly about the Hogwarts uniforms in general.
Georgie with long hair! It's much prettier! William, pretty boy as always. Skandar SO HOT in that cap! (IIHH >.<) Anna, unchanged, maybe looks a little old in that hairstyle. "Who are you?!" "Prince Caspian" Its sounds like he says Prince Gaspian..huhuh. He's really ugly.. absolutely not what I've imagened. Well not that I've put much thought into his appearance but..anyway. Oohh, I like this "Dark" Narnia. It's like it's not a children play any more now it's serious stuff. Seems though as they fight all the time. XD (Have Georgie gone thinner?) It's definitely much rougher this time more darkness. Oh loves that when Susan throws a stone or something into that glass thing and it shatters. XD And there comes Aslan, of course. 16th May 2008, what a TORTURE! X'( Can't wait that long!
Can't wait for more pictures or ANYTHING Price Capsian actually! I say the epidemic has begun...


Anonymous said...

I watched the trailer and I was like: wow! I gotta see this on the premiere!!!

1300 years! If I were Aslan I would be surprised to see that they look the same as they did when they first got there :P But I guess that Mr. Tumnus won't still be around... :(

Tiffany said...

yea, the movie will be deadly!
I haven't tought of Mr Tumnus..yet XD. I haven't read the book so I dont know..

Anonymous said...

can't wait for the movie to come out! :D