Wednesday 5 December 2007

I call it a Heroic-depression


Even if I filled a whole blogentry with just these words, it wouldn't justify my feelings.
Yes, I and so many others around this world, saw and have seen the eleventh and last episode of Heroes season 2. Well, if I seem moderated and calm it's just my outside, inside I'm: FURIOUS, DEPRESSED, SAD, ANXIOUS, FRUSTRATED, AGGRAVATED and something more I just don't know what.

NOBODY! NO ONE! Not even a tiny speck of molecules had told me episode 11 was the end of season 2! Maybe I just haven't been observant or maybe it was unexpected for all of us. HOW come we Heroes fans could be treated like this? Like some filth splattered on the floor, YEA that's how I feel right now, like FILTH SPLATTERED ON THE FLOOR! (okej not now but right after I saw the episode)

I know there's a freakin' strike in Hollywood but come on, THIS IS HEROES! That's like above everything else! Okej now I'm getting a bit too self-absorbed....
I've just read an old interview with Tim Kring were he enounce some of the story lines that made Heroes season 2 become iceman cold from human torch hot:

THE PACE IS TOO SLOW, I don't think it was too slow but it felt slower than season one
THE WORLD-SAVING STAKES SHOULD HAVE BEEN ESTABLISHED SOONER , yes at least one-two episodes before they actually did
THE ROOKIES DIDN'T GREET THEMSELVES PROPERLY , well I think it's good the "new heroes" had a story line of themselves, but at least they got involved with the others pretty fast. Maybe not Alejandro and Maya, I thougth their story was really exciting in the beginning but then it was just.....a bit lame. They never really explained what their powers was and (HERE COMES A SPOILER) when Alejandro was killed, it felt like why even bother introduce someone new if they're just gonna die before they've done anything.
YOUNG LOVE STINKS, I have to admit, yea a bit XD It would have been mroe interessting to see Claire adn West as friends adn do crazy stuff like what they did to Debbie (the new cheerleading leader)

Then (almost) clearly states that on the 3rd Dec would be the end of season 2! >_<

Should we now go to the part where I write what I think about the episode. OKEJ!

When ahve watched 15 minutes of the episode, I was like: what the hell, this is like an ending! It was impossible for me to actually think this was the season finale, I mean the last season was on 21 episodes! This is just the 11th!

What I liked about the last season finale was that everyone somehow (in a comprehensive way) came together, united or reunited. It felt really good.
In this what you could see as union was only Nathan+Hiro+Peter.

There were still doubts! Even if they had said many times that Adam wanted revenge on the company and wanted to spread out the virus, I couldn't find that very relevant. The story behind it felt so....thin, it felt like there's just have to be something more to it (something you quickly learn form watching Heroes). I was like, does Adam really want to get the virus? Does he want to release it? Destroy it? WHAT DOES HE REALLY WANTS? You have to doubt things clearly said in Heroes, that's a part of why it's so fantastic.
I also thought Peter was a bit too pro-Adam, it was hard to believe he fought Hiro over Adam.
SHIIIITT, when Adam dropped the virus I really thought it would be released. Maaan, I still dont get how Peter destroyed the virus! We know he has a lot of powers but what was that?!

It was clear that many episodes was smudged into these last episode and it felt a bit hurried. Especially with Sylar suddenly being in NYC, Alejandros death, Maya knowing about Alejandros death, Mohinder coming to NYC in a split second with the cure.

Okej here comes the hard part. I thought it was really beautiful when Nathan and Peter reunited and that Nathan convinced Peter to do the right thing. When he decided to go public with the abilities and stuff, I thought this could really be something good but then again how could the show "repare" itself after that. AND THERE it comes, Nathan gets shot. It wouldn't surprise me if it was Noah, GUUUAASSSHH this would make me HATE him tremendously!!
I cried, CRIED! It was so awful! NOT NATHAN! This can't be happening for a split second Ithought of all the things that would save him, but when everything went mute..I was lost! I was so sad!! I was depressed long after the episode, I was like lying on the floor and moaned.



Anonymous said...

I must admit that I cried as well. And I felt kinda numb after that episode...

Tiffany said...

Huhhu, it's true. Sometimes I just get WAAAAYYYY into Heroes. But it's fund :D

Anonymous said...

We'll survive ;)