Currently sitting here and beaming with my new Nick Jonas songs.^^ I found all the songs from Nick's solo album some days ago and can't STOP listening to them. Wrong Again is to kill for!! <3<3<3 I'm gonan burn out the whole cd and pretend that I have his cd, muahhaha. (Elin, I know I'm crazy...)
Okej, serious stuff. So today started out with a news presentation about human trafficking....I mean thank you so much for reminding us how awful and unfair this world is, thanks you guys JUST made my day. (btw, I just went through 48 pages of JB avatars on iconator...XD)
But on the up side, appearently some groups haven't done their Geography presentation so that means NO Geography lesson for us (who already done it)!
Oh, I forgot, on my english class today we had some linking words to make a sentence with. I liked this the best:
As soon as he saw the painting he knew that he would die,
or this one:
The world will not be safe until you save the cheerleader.
Hohoho, wonder what my english teacher will think about me, some of the sentences are kinda morbid and the rest just doesn't make sense (if you're not obsessed with heroes)...
I thought I was very innovative..huuhuh XD
Yea we, finally, got our school jerseys today. YEAY, they're really nice actually, I ordered a black one with golden print, huhuuh. Wanna see?!?!
The thought came to my mind that school spirit and all that is really coming onto our society, I mean clearly it's something we've taken from the states. Where I think they're overdoing it, just too much, okej then again I've already seen movies (herk, High school musical?)
Then after school I went to my acting lesson (oohh, sounds so fancy XD). We had a substitute today..huhuuh...couldn't Swedish very well. XD So it was really hard for her to explain things we should do and all this provided that it was a little awkward, plus only five people came today so it was even MORE awkward. We did some improvisations, then we jsut got stuck because not enough people were there to the scences XD. SO instead she showed us some dance moves, actually really cool ones, Michael Jackson dance moves. I really sucked at them but anyway, here you go and learn acting but may come out with Michael Jackson dancemoves instead.
Your sentences kicks ass xD
Huhuhu thank you, I thought so too XD
good one! i just added up a lot of fresh emo backgrounds in my blog
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