Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Don't fret at Londonmet

Hello there,
So another 2 days has passed. I went ot the social event thing yesterday, it was quite okey. Got to talk to a postgrad girl from Hungaria and then I met the girl from the European seminar this summar. There were food and drinks and that was basically it. It was a'ight. XD

Today I've been to the inductory session for journalism and I just had to say wooow. It was so different from the laid back-here's the information session for fashion marketing.
First of all we all met in this huge lecture room and then got divided into our course group, as of deja vu when he called out Journalism like 50% of the people in room stood up. I was like soooo, I chose pretty popular stuff huh. XD But being in that session for journalism was like being in another world, the people is totally different. There were no blonde girls giggling or metal sounds from bracelets, people seemed really serious. And oh I came to figure that out!

The lecturer (prof. or whatever) talked for like 3 minutes about the course and then the next hour she actually made interact in class, asking questions, made us brainstorm and gave us an assingment. The first thing that made my heart beat faster and faster was that she asked us, what kind of journalism there were. And after a split second several people raised there hands, and it seemed to like everyone knew everything while I could nothing. She then took out 4 news papers (the guardian, the sun, daily mail and the mirror) and she told us to, in pairs, write down the characteristics for each of them. I was like; seriously?! I had no idea, it's not like I read the British papers everyday, so I turn to guy next to me. Which turns out to be Mr-know-it-all. However he explained to me the differences and was all like "ha-ha hope she doesn't ask you". I felt so out of place, how will I survive this?

She aksed us later what we had written and luckily quite a few people raised their hands. After each statement she asked us more about the papers like what kind of politcal view do they have and like, Who is this? (on the front page) and EVERYONE goes Gordon Browns wife. (I was like omg I never seen the woman in my entire life!) And when a girl answered wrong on which political wing the guardian was Mr-know-it-all had to shout out the right answer. Awesome I know.
Then as a final thing she asked us to (still in pairs) write a front page headline for the Sun. Two seconds later mr-know-it-all had come up with a headline, and I was like omg I can't do this. But I don't know what got into me the next moment but I actually came up with one, Don't fret at Londonmet. And when Mr-know-it-all saw it he was all like "That's really good". And then the horror continues when she asked from person to person what headline they had come up with, she then wrote them on the white board for us to later vote for the best on. (Heart skips 2 beat)

I felt a bit calmer though when she started fromt he other end and when I heard some less good headlines. Don't get me wrong most of them were really good, but I just felt really relieved. When it was our turn Mr-know-it-all had come up with a headline of his own and after he said it he was like but we got a better one and then pointed at me. I was like thank you for the patronizing. Anyway so after that assignment she let us go. (Freshers' pressure won btw) I was like stumbling out of the room as fast as I could. OMG, that's all I thought OMG.

But I'm kinda good with it now, I just have to study harder and read newspapers. XD Then later on it was time for enrolment, in which I heard the staffmember trying to pronounce Slutbetyg and then got my student ID card, and that's it. Now I'm gonna go make dinner and eat, ciao!

Monday, 28 September 2009

First day of school

So I thought you guys wanted to know about my very first day in school. Although it wasn't quite that interesting.

I got up around 8 and the first session was 10 o'clock. Haha I don't usually take that long to prepare but I had to make sandwiches to take with me and I had to take a shower before I went. I realized I've been kinda slow after the long summer break, with eating and dressing. XD
Anyway I got to school, knowing exactly where it was, asked the "helping people" were the room was and went in. To my delight the interior was kinda fresh and nice unlike the exterior. XD
When I came into the room there already people there, the only thought I had in my mind were, be invisible. Don't stare at people and you don't know if they stare at you. XD I quickly found a place to sit, luckily because like 5 minutes later it was fully crowded and some people couldn't even get into the room.

By some freakin' weird coincidence when I sat down, I heard the two girls next to me speaking in a language very similar to a language I knew very well. Maybe they were speaking norwegian, no they spoke SWEDISH! I immediatelly asked them in Swedish if they were from Sweden. And then it rolled on. I felt so relieved that I found Swedish people in my class.
The session started eventually and some costume dude welcomed us to the school and so on. Then for the next part we were gonna break up to the courses we were on. So I got "stuck" with like 40 flanellshirted girls for the Fashion marketing introduction session. Turned out 19 of them were gonna do Fashion marketing and journalism (which was I'm doing), so it wasn't that bad.

After the session we got like an assignment to do in groups. Like walk through the neighbourhood to get the "Neighbourhood profile". XD So me and one of the Swedish girls went down there, sat on Starbucks, walked a bit more. It was nice, she had been in London for 4 years and knew like all the places so I got to know a couple of things. :)

That was basically it. Tomorrow I'm gonig to this social event thing for London met busniess school students. It might be fun or it might be suicide, we'll see. XD

Sunday, 27 September 2009

Heroes is back in town.

Hi there,
Must tell you that the internet I have here is really slow, it's not even 1 mb/sec. So like a 4 minute video on Youtube takes me like an hour to upload, but to my surprise however uploading series (megavideo,divx,vureel etc) doesn't take that much time, I mean compared to the time it took me at home. Which I'm really really thankful for, cuz now I can catch up all of the shows I watch.

I kinda lost interest in Heroes after the fourth season. I didn't even cared to find out if they were doing a new season. Then out of nowhere my friend told me, last week, she'd watched the trailer to the fifth season. I was like Oh so they still make the show. XD With basically nothing better to do I started to upload the first episode, actually the second too since it was a double episode.

So after I seen it now I really hope that the producers and writers have pulled themselves together and made this a good sustainable season. Because I like Heroes I really do, I want it to be good again. So to my delight the season opening seemed very promising.

Caution next part may contain spoilers.
It's nice seeing Claire in school again. She got a new haircut and I really liked it, I'm so over her wigs from season 3 and 4. XD Just have to say PSSYYCCCHHOOO roomate! XD
I don't think I've ever shipped any relationships in heroes, but I totally do now with Ando and Kimiko (well maybe Mohinder and Eden from s1). Yeay! :D And finally they got rid of that scumbag Denko! XD

Can honestly say I really look forward for tomorrow's episode "Ink". Mohinder is gonna be in it and I can't wait to get to know those creepy circus people more. Haha.

Saturday, 26 September 2009


Wow, I've been in London for almost a whole week now. Crazy. I've been alone in London almost 4 days now. Crazy.

I haven't been up to much since doesn't quite know people around here. I've talked to my flatmates for a bit and they seem very nice. I originally have 4 flatmates but one of them moved out, so as far as I know, there are 2 chinese girls and a japanese guy in my flat. "Oooh, chinese girls you're lucky" you might think but not really they're from Beijing and speaks mandarin. Since I hardly speak any mandarin it's even difficult understanding them sometimes. They've been friends even before they came to London, so I find it a bit difficult to get to know them. I mean they're basically together all the time and only speaks mandarin with each other. But I'll figure something out, I hope. :P
The japanese guy is really quiet, I hadn't heard/seen a glimpse of him in 2 days and he could might as well been kidnapped or something, but I saw him in the stairs today so it's all good. XD There were also this guy from Camroon but he changed room as said.

They're all older than me, the japanese guy is 26 and the girls are 20. The funny thing however is that I'm the only one who cooks and uses the kitchen. Really, I'm like the only one who has food in the kitchen and kitchen supplies in the cupboards. So basically I can't hope to bump into them in the kitchen, because they're never there. XD

So anyway apart from that, school will start in 2 days. I'm actually kinda nervous. I'm afraid I won't like the school or that the course is too hard. Agony! XD

London Metropolitan University, the Tower Building and Graduate centre.

Stapleton House, London Met business department. In other words, this is where I'll be next Monday on. XD

Thursday, 24 September 2009

Europe Music Awards

Just a quick update about this year MTV Europe Music awards. It's gonna be held in Berlin the 5th November. The voting has started and I can gladly announce that Jonas Brothers are nominated as Best Group. The chances of winning however aren't that high (they're up against Black eye peas, Green day, Kings of leon and Tokio hotel) I'd say but it's nice voting for them anyway. :D

So keep clicking that vote button!

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

The big game is on

So now I've been living here for 3 days. I'm very much settled in and thank god for that. I know the neighbourhood, where to buy cheap food, how to get to school etc. I have all the kitchen/bathroom supplies I need and food in the fridge, so I'm all good. My dad leaves tomorrow so the big game's ON!

I felt I missed home, my guitar, the TV and so on the second day here but I think most of it has gone. I'll probably do after my dad leaves but I strongly thinks it won't be that bad. I've got most of things sorted out by now, the rent, the jackass indian music, washing and so on. Feels safe. XD Just have to deal with the social thing now.

My dad and I went to the city today. Oxford street and China town. It was nice, finally felt that I was actually IN London, like the real London. XD Real London is good London.

China Town all prepped for Mid-autumn festival.

Monday, 21 September 2009

My personal rathole

Did ya notice the banana touch? XD

The point of no return

Good evening,
So now I'm here. After all these months, I'm really here now.

The flight and transportation to London and my flat was actually ok. I was really sceptic since the major catastrophe last time I was in London. But luckily my dad and i found this direct bus line from baker street to my flat. (Bus from airport stopped at baker street) We bought Oyster cards on the plane, which was a genious move according to me. XD So instead of like £5 on the tube it's £2. Muhaha.

When we got here I got accused of not paying the rent and the water in my toilet wouldn't stop running. Great huh? I settled in however (everything stashed in the wardrobe XD). The room is as small as I imagend it would be but the bed is big. XD The room was pretty nasty so we had to like vacuum and clean the toilet, and by we I mean my dad. XD The kitchen was even worse and the previous people living there left us awesome gifts in the fridge and freezer, like 2 months old cheese. Yum-my! (So today we spent like an hour cleaning the whole kitchen, we the cleaning freaks. But now the kitchen is odeurless and using friendly. ;))

The evening went on pretty smoothly and I became really tired. But of course I couldn't fall asleep, too much on my mind probably. I COULDN'T sleep, everytime I felt like drifting off I woke up again. And THEN around midnight some jackass thought it'd be funny to blast some indian music on the highest volume. (I suspect the jackass lives one floor above me) And jackass continues blasting his really nasty music and the thing is, jackass only had 3 songs which jackass played over and over and over and over. I was like OMG, is this for real?! I didn't know what to do, I was furious, furious! I tried to locate jackass but even if I did I couldn't get to his room or whatever the corridors doors (into each flat)are looked, so I stop trying. I turned on my iPod (although I could still hear the nasty beat of his music) and tried to sleep. I drifted off several times and some of those times I heard that jackass had turned off his music. But then around 6 o'clock I got woken up by the same f****** song. I could've commit murder at that moment.

Besides from that unpleasent evening and morning, today had been pretty nice. We spent most of the day (today) buying groceries and kitchen supplies (like a rice cooker!). We checked out the neighbourhood and my school at the same time.

Saturday, 19 September 2009

Goodbye Malmö, Hello London

So this is officially my last night in Malmö before a very long time. The longest yet.

I'm a little bit sad, but mostly excited. I guess I'll miss home and stuff later but when that day comes that's that days problem. I'm just gonna enjoy this as much as possible.

This is me saying Goodbye. If you happen to stop by in London give me a shout! :) My friends, visit me anytime! Really anytime.

Goodbye. See you in London.

Friday, 18 September 2009


This is it. Closure.
I leave in 2 days. That's a fact. That's the hard core truth. I just had to state that because I tend to forget sometimes. Wow, London.

My suitcases are (basically) packed and it wasn't such a nightmare afterall. I'm actually looking forward to it now. I actually think it's gonna be okey and even fun. So this week I've been trying to meet up with all my friends in town to say goodbye and so on. Had my last theatre class, probably my last ever. Goodbyes are sad.

To make this even more sad, here's a list of things I'm gonna miss when I'm in London.
-Play the guitar (I have to get my guitar over there!)
-Ride the bike to town or anywhere
-Watch Disneychannel
-Having homecooked meals
-Speak cantonese (at least I did when I was in Edinburgh for 3 weeks)
-Meeting my friends
-Espresso house, Gina Tricot, Netto, Ica Maxi
-Singing out so loud in my room
-Watch TV (don't have TV in my room)
-Shop (totally broke, man)
-Going to theatre classes
-Going to violin classes and orchestra practice
-Speak Swedish (most possible) be continued

Oh, Malmö.

And as you may see, I changed layout again. It just didn't feel right, but this one does. So just to reinforce the new era to come, I changed the name of the blog. XD Yeah just like that.

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Happy B-day Nicholas!

Dear people of the world!
It is the 16th of September today and it's not an usual day. No today is the 17th birthday of Nicholas Jerry Jonas!

Seventeen! Already! Wow our boy is growin' up! :') (Which means..I'm gettin' old)

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Me and Orson Welles

Zac Efron. Enough said.

Monday, 14 September 2009

Super new layout

Yes I have a new layout. Got tired of the old one. XD

Last week was probably the fastest week passing by ever. And now it's monday already (Tuesday in an hour). 6 more days until London. Can you believe it? S I X days?

Mamma Mia.

Ugly business

that's all I had to say about the VMA's. I've been running errands and buying stuff with my dad all morning and when I finally checked my Twitter in the afternoon, I knew I had missed something. Kanye! Kanye! Taylor Swift and Beyoncé everywhere. What the hell is going on? I surfed into the Swedish MTV website, where they have the whole show in videos, and watched it.

First off I just wanna say that I loved the Micheal Jackson tribute, those dancers were sick man! XD But that was like the only part I liked in the whole show. (Russel Brand is just nasty and really not funny, I really hope he isn't the host next year. And Lady Gaga's performance was just so disturbing *shivers*)

So the very first award to be presented was Best Female video, Lady Gaga, Beyoncé, Katy Perry, Kelly Clarkson, Pink and Taylor Swift was nominated. Among all these mega-stars 19 year old Taylor Swift won the award. In her very fancy glittery white dress she walks up to the stage to accept the award and give her thank you speech. In the middle of her speech Kanye West comes up on stage and takes her mic and tells her he's really happy for her but then he starts to scream Beyoncé has the best video of all times! repeatedly. Then jerks the mic to Taylor and just leaves.
The face on Taylor is kinda heartbreaking, she don't know what do to or say. I never thought I'd feel sorry for Taylor Swift, I repeat Taylor Swift, but I did. She looked devastated, the poor thing.

So throughout the rest of the show both Russel Brand (host) and several presenters tried to calm everyone down and say that Taylor deserved the award and so on.
I thought the whole thing was kinda ugly. For once I was glad that I was sitting in front of the computer watching an award show instead of being there. I'm starting to think the VMA's is getting a bit too vulgar for me.

Sunday, 13 September 2009

MTV VMA's 09

Hi there,
I'm really off these days I know, I'm busy with packing and preparing and blah blah blah. XD So anyway, thought I'd stop by for a reminder of tonight's MTV Video Music Awards. The show is a couple of hours away and you can already tune in for a live streaming coverage of the red carpet arrivals, though no one is there yet. XD

I'll probably won't stay up that late to catch it all but I'm definitely gonna do a recap tomorrow. (Fingers crossed to Cobra Starship!) The show is packed with stars as usual, there'll be performances by for example Lady Gaga, Green Day and Beyoncé. Alexa Chung's gonna be a presenter, Taylor Swift's gonna be there, Katy Perry, The All-American Rejects, the whole cast of Twilight (wow, really?!) is gonna be there. Ok, I'm gonna stop with doing a commercial for it now, so buh-bye! :)

Btw, link for the live streaming video:

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

It has begun..

Yup, it has begun, PACKING 2009. I am packing, or well I'm starting small -my clothes. XDI'm trying to figure out how I can fit everything into 2 suitcases, it is a mystery alright... I have a list (duh) and it ain't short, right now I have 5 categories.
1. things for the kitchen 2. things for the room 3. things for school 4. things for the bathroom 5. things in my vanity bag (necessär XD)
Luckily most of it under things for school has already been taken care of. My friend (whose studying in London already) flew over with my stuff today. :D Then I also have some various things in his apartment since this july. XD

The part I'm most worried about is the things for the kitchen. Pots, pans, plates, cutlery...blah blah blah. It's gonna weight a ton! XD

Anyway, wish me luck! :')

I'm very systematic you know XD

Monday, 7 September 2009

We can shine bright but still keep it real

Jonas Brothers' Keep it Real official music video

Major JONAS commercial. Okey I get the concept. The real footages are the shine part and the JONAS footages should be the keep it real part. Cool technique but a bit unprofessional. XD

Saturday, 5 September 2009

the Bloody truth

So I lied. I didn't write an entry yesterday. Well, I didn't know at the time I was writing it that I wouldn't so I didn't lie, I broke...a promise? XD OKEY enough. So about the thing on my mind was stuff about London which I thought I was over, but I guess I wasn't. It became quite overwhelming and it felt like I couldn't breathe. It passed, I guess during yesterday so it was no idea brining it up again.

About something else then. Well.....why not take up the ever so popular Vampiran Obsession. (I just invented that word..) I mean everyone's talking about it, I don't wanna be a retard...XD
First off, well it's not really a secret that I dislike (haha) everything that has to do with vampires and company. Really I didn't get it before and don't get it now either and I probably never will.

I read this column in the papers not long time ago, it was a guy writing exactly about this, the whole female buzz on vampires. I particularly remember this bit when he said; luckily there aren't vampires in real life, otherwise all the women would rather be with them than human men. I had a good time laughing at it because that's exactly how I would put it myself. It maybe sounds absurd but it has some truth to it. Doesn't it?

Vampires to me is like blood, flesh eating and morbid sex. (Not sure how the latter come about but anyway) Am I wrong? And exactly what is it that should appeal to people? Where's the hype? Then make me understand why millions and yet millions tune in every week for True Blood, why Twilight wins award after award from best on-screen kiss to best soundtrack and why Megan Fox, Amanda Seyfried, Dakota Fanning (even Mandy van Duyne!) does vampire flicks. Do you seriously find it sexy when someone like possessed basically eat off a poor souls throat? Do you get excited watching a pair making out, eventually leading to one of them unconcsious and bloody in bed?

Well, now I'm out. Basically this was long kinda worthless entry really just saying I don't get the trend. I guess something has to be on the wall so why not blood and sex right? Or maybe I'm just not morbid enough.

Dakota Fanning as Jane in "New Moon" from the Twilight saga

Thursday, 3 September 2009


I'm not such a fail after all. Hearing from people who keeps reading my blog really lightens up my day. And I'd like to say thank you.
I'm gonna write a longer entry tomorrow about something that's on my mind, so here you have a tag I was too lazy to do a while back. Plus I tag everyone! Do it! :D

The Three Things

Three Things You Want To Do Before You Die: (Gee, soo much..)
- Meet the Jonas Brothers again
- Own a apt with huge windows and white walls
- Become successful (enough to pay back my loands XD)

Three Names You Go By:
- Tiffany (duh..?)
- Wai mann (chinese name)
- Stephanie or you there (right Therese? XD)

Three Screen Names You Have Had (Other Than This One):
- Chanelbug
- Tiffany :)
- Videogirl (?)

Three Parts Of Your Heritage: (...?)
- Black hair
- Pollen allergy
- Bad eyesight (...)

Three Things That Scare You:
- The Future
- Reading too many Detective Conan during a short period of time
- Big social events

Three Of Your Everyday Essentials:
- My iPod
- Twitter (wait, did I just write that?)
- Air..?

Three Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
- Actually...
- ..Pyja
- ..mas XD

Three Of Your Favorite Bands/Musical Artists:
- Jonas Brothers
- Demi Lovato
- Can't rank the third so Katy Perry/Cobra Starship/Plain White T's

Three Of Your Favorite Songs: (at the moment)
- Fly With Me by Jonas Brothers
- Send It On by Disney's Freinds For A Change
- Catch Me by Demi Lovato

Three Things You Want In A Relationship:
- Laughter
- Honesty
- Having fun (...?)

Two Truths And A Lie (in no particular order):
- I enjoy rapping to "Dont charge me for the crime" (Jonas Brothers feat. Common)
- I know Archimedes Principle
- I own 8 (original) Jonas Brothers albums

Three Physical Things About The Preferred Sex That Appeal To You: (let's cross out physical shall we?)
- Musical talent
- Humour
- Good hair XD

Three of your Favorite Hobbies:
- Playing the guitar
- Nerding around on the internet
- Listening to sweet music (JB that is XD)

Three Things You Want To Do Really Badly Right Now:
- To watch a new episode of the Big Bang theory XD
- Have £10000 on my bank account
- Be on It's on with Alexa Chung (....what? XD)

Three Careers You're Considering/You've Considered:
- Magazine editor
- Movie director
- Actress (considered...)

Three Places You Want To Go On Vacation:
- the US (NYC, badly)
- Hong Kong
- Japan

Three Kid's Names You Like: (actually I never think of this but here it goes)
- December
- Ophelia
- Skye

Three Ways That You Are Stereotypically A Boy:
- I prefer the guitar over ballet (haha, from a song I know)
- I never wear high heels (ONE time!)
- I go to the toilets alone (...)

Three Ways That You Are Stereotypically A Girl:
- I love dresses and skirts
- I suck at sports
- I like...boys?

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

So Random

Honestly, have nothing sensible to say. So here you have a printscrren instead. XD
This was a while ago but I thought it was pretty cool so I saved it. So it's my livefedjit thing, which shows everyone who clicks into my blog, where they're from and what kinda of internet they use blahblahblah. XD Sometimes I entertain myself by looking at this chart, watching where people are from and so on. So that day I found someone from Wyckoff, New Jersey. How cool is that? ;)

And also, you maybe think I don't know but I know you from Columbia, South Carolina watch my blog from now and then. (Because I know this person comes directly to my blog) I just wanna say: it's awesome pls keep doing it. ;)

Currently listening to: