Sunday 17 February 2008

Cat among the pigeons

Haya, feel like writing some. As for my real life (does she have one?) it is really nice and relaxed, I'm going on a week long break on monday. Just being able to play the guitar all day long, watch tons of movies, sleeping late or just DO NOTHING is absolutely wonderful!

I've started to rewatch the whole Heroes season one, huhuhu it's so great. Have almost forgotten about Isaac...and Simone..and EDEN! :'(
It's really crazy how they've managed to put in SO many Helix signs, all over the place! It was even on Claire's geography book! Wonder if they'll ever say where it comes from....

Have been hanging out with a friend I haven't been for long. It's really too bad. Feels liek I don't have time to do ANYTHING anymore. We ate pizza, watched a movie played some game it was really girls night in. It was really nice. Man, I gotta do things for myself for change, right?! XD

I've been surfing around for almost...too long now, found out a couple of interesting things. First, I haven't read or seen anything concerning Katie Leung in ages, which I did all the time...before (oh I miss those days :'(). She's starring in a new movie, a dramatization of Agatha Christie's "Cat among the pigeons".
You may not believe me but I am actually reading the book RIGHT NOW. Our class has to read a english for writing a book review as a test or something weird and I wanted to read a detective novel. I've read some really lousy ones before so I wanted to read some classics, Agatha Christie! First I wanted to read "The ABC murderes" since I've read about it on Conan (Oh the nerdiness, YES!), but they were all rented out so I had to pick another, I've heard of some of her books before but non of them really called to me. I looked for some more and found "Cat among the pigeons" from the very moment I knew it was something I'd like.
So now when I've got some time to read, I've really come into it now. And I will wait with excitement until the introduction of Katie's character. ;)

Check out the trailer to Sisterhood of Travelling pants 2:
I hardly remember anythign from the book anymore...XD


Vukiii said...

girls night in! yeey:D haha it was the pizza restaurant haha u know why hahaha...the game hmm why did only Obama get a flag?!:O and why did ya draw that movie '' ett päron till farsa''?..and how did it go for the girl with the headache????

Anonymous said...

hur blind får man vara egentligen?! Bridget ->Serena, Gossip girl. HAHAHA! guuuud. ajja, när kommer filmen? :)

Tiffany said...

re Vukiii: MAHAHAHHAH, Hillary was supossed to get a flag too, you know!! XD

re Carro: HALLÅ! Det var typ den enda anledningen jag börja kolla på Gossip Girl XD
VEt itne när den kommer, this summer sa väl trailern?

Anonymous said...

Hey Agatha Christie is good :P I have two...have read one xP But After the Funeral is great :)