I've just finished watching an epsiode of Ugly Betty (S4E12) and it was about Betty feeling lonely and that she don't connect with people. That she could just go home and shut the door and she could basically die and no one would notice it before they could smell her rotting corpse.
It's actually freakishly exactly how I feel, all the time. I've always prided in being different and so self-confident that I don't have to fit in. Now I've got my way, I fit in nowhere. And I hate it, I hate that I'm so boring, I hate that I take school so seriously, I hate that can't talk to people, I hate that I don't know how to be around people, I hate that I'm always that weird person, I hate that I don't drink, I hate that I'm so serious, I hate that I don't have stories to tell, I hate that I don't meet people, I hate that it's so hard for me to makes friends, I hate that I don't connect with people, I hate that I actually cried when writing this but most of all I hate that I pretend to be EXACTLY the opposite of these things.
That's why I hate reading blogs, because I hate reading about your lives and everything you do and all of your stories because I myself have none.
2 weeks ago