Saturday 31 October 2009

Rock Paper Scissors

Zup guys,
Another week is coming to its end. My 6th week here. Yup 6 weeks really.

This week has been really overwhelming, with our courseworks (assessments) coming up, it makes me super stressed out. It's not that I'm stressed out becuase it's a lot of work, but I just don't know how to strucutre/present it all, where I find information and some of the assessments I just don't really get at all. S T R E S S!

So I don't really afford sitting here bloging (and believe me it makes me stressed) but I am. After my cousin left on Tuesday I got had this really, really bad case of home sickness, that combined with feeling hopeless in school made me cry, and cry and cry. I hate it. I always do this, I always put so much pressure on myself and when I don't have everything under control I lose it.

On the up side of the week I've come far on my socializing. :D I've been seeing and studying with this girl from my Fashion Industry class (she's really normal I promise XD). I can be really relaxed around her and we can talk, it's nice. :D Then my flatmate asked me (today) to join her for dinner today,then antoher flatmate joined. So the 3 of us went, it was really nice. I had korean food for the first time. (Spiiiiccyyy)

Although I hugely miss everything and everyone in Sweden, I'm not miserable in London. :) I'm coming home soon.

Pictures from today:

1) My future home, Notting Hill XD
2) Korean restaurant at Tottenham Court Road


Caroline said...

var den koreanska maten god då? :p

Kajsa said...

Naw, I miss all you guys too. (Though I'm glad you're not miserable in London). I can't wait to New Year's! ;p

Tiffany said...

re CArro: Ehm det va ok. :) Jag blev mätt iaf.

re Kajsa: Yeah :') Can't wait to come home. :D