Tuesday 13 October 2009

Weatherman says snow but it's burnin up outside

Good evening,
Just wanted to tell you about yesterday, which was a good day. XD (Haven't have those in a while have I? XD) Don't know if I told you I had this article for my journalistic practices class for monday (yesterday). I totally sat on sunday evening panic writing. It was supposed to do a local news article, so hmm, yeah what's going on in my area? I've only been here for bloody 2 weeks how should I know? And I didn't know. I tried to look it up, even read local newspapers, absolutely nothing, nada. I went around thinking about the article every day, didn't know what to write.

In the end I had the crappiest idea, but my ONLY idea, writing about the road constructions (which is still the only thing I know going on in my area). I thought I could get some funny lines and be done with it. I started writing in on saturday evening, continues Sunday-all day. It must have been my crappiest, or the crappiest article in the history of crappy articles. I couldn't even get the funny part right. Panic. Started to run this other idea, which was starting London met. Started writing, turned out crappy, so I thought I get some quotes to lift it up. I "interviewed" (more like asked some questions) my flatmate, who luckily goes to London met too. I practically got nothing out of it. Panic. My parents calmed me down (through MSN XD), I calmed down, altered some details and added the quote. Still crappy but it was at least viewable for the public.

So in class, the teacher starts to go around to the students and ask to read the articles. Gulp. I hear everyone got great ideas about ATM problems, something controversal and blabla. Geesh, my article was a joke. My article was the last one to read by the teacher before we started class. OMG. I knew I'd get run over, I even told him my article was awful. He started reading I couldn't even look at his direction, didn't want to see the frown on his face. After literally 3 seconds he says: "This is exactly what we're looking for" and hands me the article and moves on. Really?! Seriously?! I don't know what happened but I'm sure I didn't dreamt it. XD

Anyway, that was the beginning of a good day, later on the missing module appeared on my timetable. YES! Finally things started to clear up. :)

News flash: New Jonas Brothers song! It's called Summertime anthem and it's for All wrapped up 2 (disney holiday album). I think it's really good, was surprised at first it sounds so much like It's about time. Love it! :)


Meikei said...

Jag visste att det skulle gå bra!!! Du är så grym. Bara tro på dig själv.
Varma kramar från det kalla Sverige.

Kajsa said...

Ja, ibland går det rätt när man tror att det ska gå fel.


Tiffany said...

re Meks: tack :')

re Kajsa: Haha, verkligen. XD

Caroline said...

Bra jobbat tiff! :D

Elin said...

Didn't you know that crappy ideas only exist in your own head? ;P

Glad that things are clearing up for you :)

And I like the song! ^^

Tiffany said...

re Carro: haha tack :D

re Elin:Haha, but it was really a crappy idea. XD Don't know why he liked it. Thanks, I appreciate it. :)

Anonymous said...

maste kolla:)

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