Saturday 10 October 2009

I could use somebody

Good mornin',
Felt like my recent blog entries has been really grumpy and kinda boring. So I'm gonna post some pics for ya. :)

The first one is my school (one of the buildings) from the inside court, I know the 80's called and they wanted their school back, I know. ;) Thanks for all your concerns and nice comments, it feels better now. There's still one module that's not on my timetable but whatever I've just stopped caring so much. I just show up on some class and I try to do my thing. As you can imagen my first journalism class kinda scared the hell outta me, but after the week I know that this is what I wanna do. My classes in the Fashion industry and introduction to journalism are really fun and interesting.

I was around Oxford street last sunday, went to this Mid-autumn celebration thing at the buddhist temple my mum made me go, then afterwards I just strolled down Oxford street solitarily. It's not the same doing it by yourself, the people looks different then. XD The second picture's from Disney store, see who's on the big screen? ;)
I'm actually looking for some autumn shoes, yeah can you imagen?! I'm not in need much of a new pair but my parents keeps telling me to buy stuff because I'm being so cheap over here. XD So guess a pair of new shoes wouldn't be wrong. :P

I think I've gotten used to living by myself here now, making dinner and buying groceries and all that stuff. But sometimes I feel really socialsick, I could really use my friends and fam. right now. XD I guess I have to buddy up with my flatmates that's all.

Cheers for now!


Caroline said...

Hur är dina klasskamrater? :D

Kajsa said...

Jag antar att det är lite svårare att komma nära dina klasskamrater när ni inte går varje lektion tillsammmans, men jag hoppas att du börjar umgås med dem med :) Att föreslå eller hänga på study dates är annars ett tips - det är roligare att plugga tillsammans om man kan.

Tiffany said...

re Carro: som sagt har jag 4 klasser. Alla e olika, vet inte riktigt än har bah snackat med några personer.

re Kajsa: Jo precis, men det tror/hoppas jag.:P Okej, ska komma ihåg det ;) Thanks. :)

Jenni said...

Snacka med Jesse Mccartney 8DD

Ja hur klarar du dig DD: Jag som blir socialsick bara efter att ha spelat för länge på Wii DD:

Kajsa said...

Btw, hur gjorde du videorna du la upp på youtube? Hade du en riktig videokamera, eller webbkamera? Med vad för program klippte du ihop det? Hur gör man de där kommentar grejerna (i t ex videon för svenskan)?
