Friday 29 May 2009

Danger to the left

Urgh, I've sold my soul to Twitter. I have, I'm sorry. :'( I wish I hadn't but I'll try to be strong and fight it! XD

I actually don't have any good reasons for why I haven't blogged since Monday when school for me basically ended. Lazy I guess. I feel like I've neglected my blog and you readers and I feel horrible. I have a lot going on in my life right now, university deciding for example.
You thought I had decided and even I thought so too, but now just a couple of days ago I started to doubt. Is this what I'm supposed to be? How do I know this is right? WHY is the future so difficult?!?! I spent like an hour crying yesterday not knowing what to do but I'm alright now. It's better. :)

Then graduation is just around the corner, to be precise: in 3 DAYS. I can't believe I'm graduating in 3 days, yes I had to write it again for me to realize it. I am graduating. I am 19. The rest of my life starts now. The future is inevitable. I can't alomsot believe it and I probably won't until it's really happening. But it's gonna be awesome, I'm graduating with a class I'm really fond of and we're going to kick ass. :) See you from our truck, we'll be the loudest ones! Haha. :)

Major JONAS news. On their facebook livechat yesterday they gave a short preview of all the songs on "Lines,Vines and Trying Times". I've commented each as I heard them on my Twitter, so those are my immediate reactions...haha. XD Their sound is COMPLETELY different if I wasn't hearing Joes och Nicks voice in those songs I'd never know it was their songs. They've mixed in different genres in their new songs and it should be really interesting to hear. For example there's this song "What did I do to your heart" that has alot of country in it and one song "Don't charge me with the crime" that has rap in it (not them rapping of course XD). As of this moment I can't really say my favourites so far because I'm absolutely enthralled by the full verision of "Fly With Me". I CAN'T TELL YOU HOW BEAUTIFUL THIS SONG IS. (Tried with writing it in caps hopes it works :P). I cried and still cries listening to it, the bridge is like criminally beautiful it's insane. I HAVE TO see "Night at the museum 2", which this song comes up in the ending credits. I will see it ASAP! Like tomorrow or so. XD

Here; listen and cry. :')


Kajsa said...

Nja, jag föredrar nog paranoid än så länge. Kan inte vänta på det här albumet XD

Tiffany said...

USCH NEJ! Fly with me är absolut en av de bästa låtarna i LVATT, av snuttarna jag har hört då...XD

Caroline said...

Hihi, ska bli kul att se dig på tisdag :D :D

Kattis. said...

Oh. trevligt lat. VA? Nar tar du studenten!

Tiffany said...

re Carro: Aw tack. :) Nervigt värre är det nu :P

re Kattis: Visst e den! (L) Jag tar studenten imorn..:)