Tuesday 5 May 2009

Don't have time for a title

I'm sorry I haven't post anything more of interest lately and I'm sorry I've become a Twitterwhore. XD I don't know, twitter is so much more comfortable and quick. XD Argh, I'm getting lazy.
Anyway I had come up with things to put up in my blog last night before I fell asleep and now surprisingly enough I don't remember it. XDOkej so here's goes an improvised one. XD

I'm at the end of a hellish short break from school (5 days) with alot of studying (but yet not as much as I'd want to) and lazying around. I've practically haven't been living. I've been indoors most of the time because of my stupid pollen allergy, it's a nightmare believe me! I've been trying to study but it haven't really worked out, I'm been so unfocused so it always ended with me twittering, playing the guitar, reheasing my lines for our play or just something else.

I knew this week would be an insanely hectic one (and still here I am blogging...) let's review the future shall we?

-Wednesday: School (argh)
-Thursday: Premiere for our play, we'll be playing at a school like 8 o'clock in the morning. Then in the afternoon: French test (Yes subjonctif! awesome...)
-Friday: Concert at Malmö Opera, with my orchestra
-Saturday: Prom (one word enough said)
-Sunday: Going to Paris with my french class, have to be at Kastrup CPH at like 7 o'clock(awesome possum!)

So just on top of that I have a oral presentation in Swedish clas the day after I come home from Paris AND English test. Then Friday I have a Math test (Nationella prov). Do you see why I'm stressing my ass off now?! It's at least not for NOTHING! XD



Kattis. said...

Ska du till Paris igen. lyx.

Caroline said...

Jobbigt att gå upp tidigt dagen efter balen! XD

Anonymous said...

Find me on twitter. Sofia189 ( i think). Just started an account.

Good luck with school, I have finals this week =(


Tiffany said...

re Kattis: Höhö jupp igen. :D Ska bli skönt, ska inte ens tänka på skolan när jag är där. :)

re Carro: Eh ja! Det är jobbigt ju jobbigt annars med att gå upp 6 på morgononen men nu till råga på allt efter vår bal. Men ja..klarar det nog XD

re Sofia: Ah that's great! I found you, start following me! :D

Kattis. said...

Oh vad roligt! Di kan ju skicka vykort till mig om du inte har natt att gora.

Tiffany said...

re Kattis: Haha, det hade avrit nått :D Vi ska bara vara där så kort tid så vi får se om jag hinner :D

Anonymous said...

You're not listed as one of my follower. What is your username dear? I can't seem to find you.


Tiffany said...

I'm not? Hmm, I'm pretty sure I did follow you. It's TiffanyUSedToBe

Kattis. said...

HORRU! Man har alltid tid att skicka vykort till sin andra halft HAHAHAHA!