Thursday 16 April 2009

Twitter or twatter or whatever it's called

I never got Twitter. I was like who would want to read a blog only with like a sentences each entry? What's the point even? Then I started to read them (and even follow some, but sshhyy XD) and they are pretty entertaining. If you found someone interesting that is. I can tell you that everyone that is somebody today (at least in the US) has a Twitter. I didn't believe it at first, but I was proven wrong.

For newbies XD, Twitter is a microblog (as they call it) and it pretty much works the same as a regular blog like I have here only the maximum amount of words are like 160 in every entry. So you ahve to keep it short. But mostly people who Twitter, twitters from their cell phone and be like: on my way to the dentsist yeah!, that kind of thing. It's a good way to keep track of your stars on a daily basis. You'll quickly find out that it's like a huge base for celebs to talk to each other, you'll see Jonas Brothers talking to Demi Lovato talking to Selena Gomez talking to Taylor Swift talking to Katy Perry talking to Perez Hilton. (Ok that was way too long, but I just had to make my point)

Anyway what I find interesting about Twitter is that becuse of the short entries evetything you can put up is basically random stuff like: Jesus loves you (herk Miley..herk) or a link to a funny photo or something. It's quite nice. Then again I've stoped being a celeb stalker but it's nice to check out what Garbo does once in a while ;)

Why don't talk about what I've done just for change huh? :P

A nice spring day for cherry trees. :)


Kajsa said...

I first heard about Twitter like a week ago...

Tiffany said...

Hahah men Kajsa då! :P

Giulia said...

Haha vad kul :) Jag skaffade Twitter igår, jag tycker att du också ska skaffa det för att jag kommer att följa den! Jag tycker om det men jag tror att det är lätt att ledsna ..! Vi får se hur det går :P