Wednesday 8 April 2009

Say after me J-O-N-A-S

Disney channel new comedy series starring the Jonas Brothers premiere due to 2nd May! Watch out for JONAS!

There have been loads of new commerical and new clips from JONAS lately and it only gets more intriguing after each clip. They are hilarious. (Especially Joe: I wear a disguise, it's cool guys it's still me XD) Although I wasn't quite fond of the first "real" (actual scene from the show) from this saturday because after all I do think their acting are stiff and theatrical. And the plot of the scene is something too acknowledge by (for example) us Jonasfans, I mean this is something almost rubbed in (uttjatat). XD You have to really love something to give it honest criticism, right ? :D Besides this I still L.O.L by the small things they come up with on the show, like they having disguises, Joe answering kinda silly on his phone and Kevin thinking Beethoven is awesome.

I CAN'T wait until May 2nd (or 3rd for us :P)!!

So after I've out-Jonased myself I can tell you that my sister and I made a Pie yesterday. We've been watching so many "Pushing Daisies" episodes in Helsingborg and being so tempted to eat pies that we finally decided to make one. It wasn't perfect but together with watching an episode of Pushing Daisies and eating it, it was. :) Tiffany and Jenny's "Double berry pie" (raspberry & strawverry)

And just a small note, I'm on my way making new videos to for example "Love is on its way" and "When you look me in the eyes" tutorial. Hang in there! :D:D


jessica said...

jo jag ska se JB i stockholm :) Kanske konserten i malmö också, :) Ska du se i Sthlm? :) Det kommer bli så grymt kul att se dem! Jag längtar ihjäl :D haha och jag längtart tills JONAS börjar ;)

Kajsa said...

JONAS! Now I'm so happy.

Tiffany said...

re Kajsa: HAha, we sure are :D:D

Jenni said...

Varde pajen!

Caroline said...

Wow, ser skitgott ut. Var den god? :)

Tiffany said...

re Carro: Haha tyckte den såg ehlt misslyckad ut men den var faktiskt jätte god :D