Tuesday 21 April 2009

An expensive Jonas-life for me!

Lines, Vines and Trying times release: 15th June!

Here's the album cover guys. I know it's freakin' hot. I especially liked that light coming down behind Joe. It's a really nice picture. I'm listening to Australia at this right moment and thinking that wow this song is waaaaay back, the boys have changed so much since that. Insane.

SO there's a pre-order of the CD already at jonasbrothersmerch.com and usually this is where I get all my JB CDs before they hit the Swedish stores or the Brittish even. I was about to pre-order it when I found out the shipping was $12!!! Twelve DOLLARS?! That's more than half of what the actual CD costs! So all in all it would ALOT more than what I bought the previous CDs. So now I'm not sure anymore, at least I'll think this through. (I know I'll cave and buy it anyway, most likely...)

And then yesterday a classmate of mine told me that her friend had already bought tickets for the Jonas Brothers show in Malmö for like 800kr ($90). And I was like: WHAAAAT?! It was weird and I was like trying to think how I possibly could ahve missed it, because I know everything! XD So OK, then during the whole lesson after she'd told I was a bit unconcentrated trying to figure out how I could have missed it and how desperately needed to buy tickets right at that moment. Hö-hö. So I trampled home at my bike as I've never done before and found out in dispair that they haven't started to sell tickets yet. Officially speaking. Geessh you gave me an heartattack there.

Yo ho yo ho, an expensive Jonas-life for me!

Why does it feels like everytime I open my mouth something Jonasy comes out? XD


Sandra :) said...

Den är så snygg! :D

Tiffany said...

re Sandra: JAG VET! XD Vill ha nu! XD

Giulia said...

Haha nä det har du rätt i, på studenten får man faktiskt vara en i mängden ;) Japp balen först, jag betalade in allt igår, sjukt spännande.

Kattis. said...

Kul med nytt JB album, dom verkar ju värsta snabba med nya album.

Tiffany said...

re Kattis: HAha jo verkligen. De har gjort ett album varje år de senaste tre åren. :P Sånt gillar vi XD

Kattis. said...

Ja. haha. väldigt effektiva kompisar vi har dära.

Tiffany said...

Absolut! XD