Monday 9 February 2009

Jonas-Wonder performance to the history!

OH MY LORD! The Jonas Brothers and Stevie Wonder performance at the Grammy awards last night was BEYOND amazing! I might say the boys are always amazing but this performance is an exception, this was fantastic! Even though they unfortunately didn't win the award for best new artist (Adele won) their great performance made it as if they had won. :)

I loved the beginning with Stevie singing the Burnin' up intro in audiotune (....?), that was really cool. And then how they'd made it a bit soul with the trumpets, I LOVED it! And Joe playing the kongas, freakin' awesoooooome. The best performance of Burnin' Up ever!
On top of that they also played Stevie Wonder's song "Superstition", awesome aswell. Nick must have been so speeded up and excited playing with his idol that he forgot the lyrics to one of the verses in "Superstition" and started to sing the chorus but stops and quickly came back on. He's so cute when he shakes his head when he realises it was the wrong lyrics! XD

Did anyone else notice Nick's "Kevin" style? What's up with that? XD Why did he have a scarf and why did he play a Les Paul (isn't that Kevins?)? And Joe's necklace...blinglicious much? XD

Anyway here's the performance if you missed it. I taped the whole award and rewinded to watch their performance like 5 times! Freakin' awesome!:

Then if you'd watched Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus' (I was making fun of them; Oh look two Jonas heartbroken on the same stage! XD) performance of Taylors song "Fifteen". You're gonna be like what kind of crap was that. Like BEAT THAT! *snap*

I'm veery superstiiitioooouuuus! Btw, does anyone have that song?


Anonymous said...

oh. wow steve wonder. Jag alskar laten superstitous. Den ar med i en reklam har i brittland. och jag diggar alltid med.

Tiffany said...

re Tesco: Haha, jo den låten är riiiktigt bra :) Föresten fick ditt brev idag, va glad jag blev! :)

Caroline said...

Du, vi kan inte komma på lördag. Sandra har träning lördag-måndag och det är tydligen jätteviktiga träningar eftersom de ska tävla snart.. så okej om vi kommer på tisdag istället? XD

Kajsa said...

Skulle jag kunna få låna din inspelning? youtube har tagit bort videon...

Tiffany said...

re Kajsa: Ah skit, jag bytte tom länk igår. XD Men det borde finnas andra länker på youtube men om du itne hittar kan jag väl ta emd det nån dag. Säg till :P

Anonymous said...

Oh, varsagod. BTW. JB's love bug spelades pa en musikkanal har.

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