Saturday 7 February 2009

Breakdown of a high school student

I guess I'd felt like crap for a long time now, it was just not something I was aware of I had so much other things to think of.

And this thursday my parents confronted me and I just broke down. It felt like I couldn't handle my life anymore. Tests, assignments, stress, worrying about getting into university, affording university, worrying about taking loans, worrying about not getting job afterwards, feeling fat, having an exhausting and crappy part-time job, not finding a better pert-time job, must improve in French, English etc. Something like that. And I cried, cried and cried. What the hell, might as well let it all out.
Sometimes it surprises you of how comforting one parents can be, quite amazing.

A little bit longer and I'll be fine.

SSSSOOOOOOLLLL! When is the sun coming back?


Caroline said...

NEJJJ, gråt inte :'(
Men jag vet, jag har också haft såna stunder.

Men det brukar lösa sig i slutändan, sägs det :)

Jag kommer sakna dig bajsmycket om du flyttar till london :'( :'(

Tiffany said...

USch nej vad jobbigt. Man får göra det bästa utav situationen... Jag har sagt upp mig på reklamskitet nu. XD

JJAAAA, jag med! :'(

Elin said...

Föräldrar är bra ibland :)

Ibland får man helt enkelt lägga nöjen på hyllan och ta tag i det som oroar en för att man ska må bra, det är skit att inte få ha kul för att man ska bli av med oron, men man mår bättre sen.

You're set for success!

Tiffany said...

re Elin: ussh ja :( Men det blir bättre. Danke ! :D

H said...

I can affirm that crying is the best way to let it out. Man bearbetar det hela mycket lättare, and I've finally realized that it's not worth it.. Nothing is worth your health Tiff =)

Tiffany said...

re H: Yeah it really was. I'd had so much in me I had to let it out. Thanks :)