Wednesday 4 February 2009

A clear and present danger

As I implied in the last post I saw the new Heroes episode.
There so much I didn't remember from the 3rd season! But I really liked this episode, the cleanliness and excitement from the first season has come back. It was not as sissy as the second season and not as raw as the third. I do hope they keep going on like this, making more questions and intrigues and new characters! I'm still waiting for Micah, Monica, Caitlyn and ABOVE ALL ELLE!

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to this season but I don't want to jinx anything by telling you stuff. Just watch it! :)

I realized something weird today, I'm addticed to XD smileys. As you maybe have noticed I use XD smileys... like ALOT. I don't know why but it just come naturally nowadays. It's not something I think of like when to use them and how often and so on. But now I know I can't function with them!
I were talking on MSN today and suddenly my XD smileys wouldn't come up when I wrote XD, it left the space just blank, with nothing. So then I tried to use other smileys like :P or :D, but inside me I feel there's just something so wrong, how can I possibly express something without XD?! Man so geeky, like industrilized country issue of the day. XD

DO so want!!


Caroline said...

HAHA 'xD'. Den är ganska bra den.
Men jag använder aldrig smilyesar när jag bloggar, bara blivit så.

Tiffany said...

Nej det ser itne så proffsigt ut. XD Men jag göra det automatiskt, det är så inpräntat i min hjärna när jag ska ha XD eller inte..ganska sjukt..:P

Jenni said...

Vad e speciellt med den Deluxe versionen?

Tiffany said...

re JEnni: Det finns två nya låtar plus extra material typ bilder från JB burnin' up tour